Switch - a full length bdsm erotic novel

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Book: Switch - a full length bdsm erotic novel by Clarice Clique Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarice Clique
telly with the phone clutched in my hand, he answered.
    ‘My dear, have you heard of the word harassment?’ His voice was a fine meal accompanied with the perfect wine.
    I had to take a deep breath and brush the remaining tears away before I could speak. ‘I’m coming back. Break over.’
    ‘What’s happened?’
    ‘I’ve done what you asked. I had sex with another man.’
    A pause. ‘I didn’t ask you to have sex with another man.’
    ‘Oh, don’t play semantics with me. You did. Why else would I be doing it?’ I was surprised at the anger in my voice. I didn’t get angry with my lover. I didn’t snap at my master.
    ‘I gave you space to discover what you want for yourself. I told you when you were ready we’d talk.’
    ‘I’m ready. For more than talking. I’ve chatted to some people on an internet sex site, including a poor, desperate guy who wanted to be my slave. Can you imagine that, me a mistress? And I had sex with a guy at work today.’
    ‘You were working on a Saturday?’ His voice was so calm, as if he wasn’t actually hearing the words I was saying.
    ‘I’ve got nothing better to do, have I?’ Oh fuck, don’t sound like a bitter, twisted cow. Please don’t.
    ‘Was the sex good?’ The same calm, mild interest.
    ‘He had a massive cock. And an unbelievable body. We fucked all over the office. Tons of different positions. It was like making rock cakes, though. You’ve got all the basic ingredients, but without the pinch of spice, it’s just flour and butter.’ Rock cakes? Why the hell was I talking about rock cakes? My tone of voice was better, but the words were babble.
    ‘Rock cakes? All our time together and I never knew you liked baking.’
    ‘I’ve made you cakes before!’ My voice came out all high-pitched and defensive.
    ‘Because I’ve ordered you to.’
    ‘I always want to serve you and make you happy, that makes me happy.’ I sighed, deep and heavy, as if I was exhaling my actual life essence. ‘You know me. I don’t like baking. It’s just something from my childhood. Something my gran used to say. Her secret recipe for rock cakes. I don’t know why I mentioned it. It has no relevance. I’m all over the place at the moment.’ I stroked my fingers over the part of the phone which was delivering his voice to me. ‘I don’t like the world without you by my side, without knowing that you’re there when I need you. The guy I had sex with, he wanted more. He said he was in love with me and it was so horrible telling him I wasn’t interested. He’s just a work colleague, someone I hardly give a passing thought to. How can you do it to me? How? When we’re so close, so the same, when my heart beats to please you, how can you say that you don’t want to see me?’
    ‘I do want to see you.’ His voice was soft. I was scared I’d imagined his words.
    ‘Then see me. I’ll be with you straight away.’ My own voice came out strangely soft and fragile. ‘I was so lucky that we met when I was young, that I didn’t have to struggle through all this meeting people thing, hoping and praying that you somehow match up with a near stranger and keep on matching each other through your lives and your personalities don’t twist in different directions. Just one night on the internet and I can see how difficult and painful dating is. And the guy who fucked me, he didn’t do it how I wanted, how I like it with you, but for some reason I couldn’t tell him to fuck me harder, or spank me. I don’t want to be so vulnerable with anyone else. You’ve been through it all with your wife; you know better than me what it’s like. And you saved me from all this, so why are you throwing me back into it now?’
    ‘You don’t understand yet. It’s not a good reason to stay with me, sweetheart, because you’re scared of the rest of the world.’
    For a moment I thought he’d gone. I pressed my ear against the phone until it hurt. There were tears in my eyes that had nothing

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