Dark Side of the Laird (Highland Bound)

Free Dark Side of the Laird (Highland Bound) by Eliza Knight

Book: Dark Side of the Laird (Highland Bound) by Eliza Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Knight
busily planning his next strikes on England, he’d not want ed to listen to me rant about MacDonald. As I saw it, I might have to take these matters into my own hands. Bring the fight to MacDonald. But I couldn’t do so without first talking to James. At least trying once more to reason with him.
    I needed some proof from Isabella. Something that I could take with me to the king to give him reason to side with me, and allow me to move forward with my plans. Proof that she was but a pawn, that she meant to honor her uncle’s plans. Proof of what those plans were.
    A swift knock sounded at the door. A glance through the eyehole showed Ewan and Isabella standing in the corridor. He had the woman by her elbow and though she looked contrite, the way her eyes shifted about, I could tell she was scared. Her eyes were wider than normal, mouth in an obstinate bow. Hands held tight together at her waist.
    I opened the door, allowing them both entra nce.
    “My laird,” she mumbled, glancing at a chair before the unlit hearth. I didn’t offer her a place to sit, preferring she remain as uncomfortable as possible. The lady, as bold as she was, wouldn’t go and take it without permission. There were some things even obstinate fools knew better than to do.
    When her gaze met mine it was with barely held in fury. “Ye said I wouldn’t be a prisoner here,” she spat.
    Judging from her stance, there was so much more she wanted to say, but the woman held her tongue, ’haps wanting to see what I had to say about it. Wanting to glean from me what I knew of her treachery. Smarter than I thought, though not as cunning.
    I stalked toward her, invading her space enough to be uncomfortable but not enough to make her like it. She moved back only an inch or two, her eyes glancing down, and I wondered if she was taking in the weapons I carried or simply interested in my physique.
    Towering over her, I said through gritted teeth, “And ye never said ye were here to skulk around in places where ye dinna belong.” I flicked my gaze to Ewan and nodded my head toward the door. “That will be all, Ewan.”
    Ewan raised a brow but said nothing as he retreated. “I’ll be just outside the door, my laird.”
    “’Twill not be necessary, Ewan. Please see to Lady Emma’s protection.”
    We exchanged nods the n I turned my attention back to the woman who represented my enemy in so many ways. Her hair was pulled back tight, making the skin around her temples stretch. She wore a dab of rouge on her lips and cheeks as was the fashion with ladies at court. And if she weren’t so damn mean, she might have been a beauty.
    “What are ye d oing here?” I asked her, studying her eyes for signs of lying.
    “That brute guard of yours brought me here.”
    Ah, so she meant to play games. I was hoping for quick and painless. “Nay, ye dinna understand my meaning, or ye ignore it. I’m asking what ye’re doing in Gealach.”
    She lifted her chin, showing the haughty side that was so much a part of her that if she dismissed it, I’d be concerned. “King James brought me, if ye dinna recall.”
    I bared my teeth, losing patience fast. “I recall,” I drawled out, hoping she would continue.
    “Then why did ye ask? We are to be married.”
    So much for hope. The chit was a thorn buried deep in my arse. “And why did he leave ye then, when I said nay? I’ll need more than your short answers, lass. Mark my words, ye’re trying my patience. I’d beat it out of ye if ye were a man.”
    She smirked , and crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up, but I avoided staring openly, knowing that was exactly what she wished. “Ye dinna understand your king very well. He gets what he wants. It doesn’t matter if ye’ve said yay or nay, nor does it matter what ye desire. The king’s wish is our demand.”
    “Ah, but ye see …” I circled her, and judging by the way she shifted, I was making her uncomfortable. Good, it was about damn time. I

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