
Free Unbreakable by Rachel Hanna

Book: Unbreakable by Rachel Hanna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Hanna
okay. I’m sure the time you’ve been here so far has been a big adjustment for you. Just wanted to let you know I’m proud of you.”
    Sophie could feel a blush spreading but she hoped it was dark enough in the truck that it wouldn’t be obvious. “Um…thanks, Uncle Philip. You and Aunt Kay have been a big help in getting me settled in.”
    “And Miller?”
    “Uh, yeah, sure. Miller too.”
    “So what do you think of Miller?”
    Sophie paused to consider her answer. “Um, he’s very mature and responsible.”
    Her uncle chuckled softly. “Yes, that he is.”
    “He loves this ranch.”
    “I know he does.”
    “And he thinks very highly of you and Aunt Kay.”
    “We think very highly of him. He’s like a son to us.”
    Sophie was silent for a few seconds before she spoke again. “Uncle Philip, can I ask you a question?”
    “Sure, darlin’.”
    “How come you and Aunt Kay never had kids?”
    Her uncle smiled softly but she could detect a Abby of sadness to it. “It just wasn’t meant to be for us.”
    “Did you want them?”
    “Oh, yes. We both did. Kay was…unable to have children though.”
    “Oh…” Sophie sat still, not sure what to say. “I’m sorry.”
    “That’s okay, honey. It meant we had time and resources to throw ourselves into the ranch and build it up from basically nothing to what it is today.”
    “It’s a great ranch.”
    He laughed quietly, “Thanks. I’m rather partial to it myself.”
    “For what it’s worth, you would have both made great parents.”
    Philip reached for her hand and squeezed it gently. “Thank you, Sophie. That means a lot.”
    “I bet your kids would have been just like Miller. Moral, upstanding citizens.” Unlike me , she thought, but left the words unspoken.
    “Oh, he’s an honest, loyal and hardworking boy to be sure,” her uncle gave her a brief sideways glance before staring out the windshield, his voice taking on a thoughtful tone, “but there was something I was hoping to discuss with you as relates to Miller.”
    “What’s that?”
    “Well you said it yourself that he’s very mature.”
    “Too mature, perhaps?”
    Her uncle grinned. “You can be honest with me, Sophie. I won’t tell him what you say.”
    “Well he could loosen up a bit, I guess.” Sophie shrugged, glancing at her uncle to assess how he was taking her words.
    “I had a feeling you might think that. I think you’re right.” Sophie looked questioningly at him and he continued. “Miller is all you could ask for in a ranch hand. He’s dedicated, takes pride in his work, goes the extra mile, loves the ranch as if it were his own. You can rely on him to get things done and to help out in a pinch. He’s got big plans, you know. Wants to have his own ranch some day and breed horses. It’s going to take a lot of work but he can do it, I have no doubt about that.”
    “It’s good he’s got a plan. A goal to work towards is…comforting.” Sophie looked out of the window. “From what I know about him, I don’t doubt either that he can make it happen.”
    Her uncle nodded once. “However, it’s important to remember he’s eighteen. I agree, plans and goals are good, but sometimes you need to remember to have a bit of fun as well along the way. When you’re eighteen you have your whole life ahead of you to make plans and work towards goals. When you’re young you should leave time to relax and enjoy yourself, not take things so seriously all the time. I suppose what I’m saying is that it’s important to find a balance. Do you know what I mean?”
    “Yes, Uncle Philip.”
    “He’s going to join the army. Did he tell you that?”
    Sophie turned her head to face him. “No, he didn’t. When is he joining?”
    “After he finishes school. He wants to serve on active duty. He’s hoping that if he saves as much as he can of his pay and earns some money through breeding with Blizzard – she’s his horse now – he’ll have

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