
Free Expatriates by James Wesley Rawles

Book: Expatriates by James Wesley Rawles Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Wesley Rawles
do not
follow modern fire safety, lab/chemical safety, and machinery safety standards.
    The Australian Small Farm Permaculture and Sustainable Living website has lots of free e-books.
    E-Books Directory
    Steve’s Pages: Another gold mine!
of free firearms manuals and military manuals. At a minimum, we should be sure to download the exploded diagrams and the user manuals for each of our guns.
    â€œI think AKO has only current manuals, so you might check GlobalSecurity.com. They have lots of free military manuals (text only).
    â€œAnd a civilian site called PR68.com has lots of links for U.S. military FMs and TMs—especially radio manuals.
    â€œOh, and Wikipedia has some links to PDFs of U.S. military manuals. For advice on stocking up, I downloaded a copy of ‘The Alpha Strategy’ by John Pugsley.
And for some good Christian doctrine and Bible study, the Institute for Christian Economics site, established by Dr. Gary North, has lots of free books. I’ll be getting a lot of those.
    â€œI’m also considering buying the forty-two-year compendium of
The Mother Earth News
on CD-ROM. Ditto for the compendium of
Backwoods Home
magazine. Both are American ‘back to the land’ magazines with a wealth of info on self-sufficiency.
    â€œI just had another idea. How about all of those instructional videos (outdoor survival, gardening, shooting schools, etc.) on YouTube? I found a website called YouTube Downloader that has free software, so we can SAVE those videos onto our hard drives or to memory sticks. Way cool.”
    The following week, Chuck e-mailed Caleb: “Just when I thought we had assembled a fairly complete library, I found out that there are a couple of websites that offer ALL of Wikipedia on DVD. There are a couple of options. The skinny version is text only, but the fat one has all the photos and illustrations. This might be a good idea for something to add to our library.”
    Caleb replied: “ Yes, but consider: When they do the Wikipedia download, they had to take a
of the site contents. At any given time, especially Saturday evenings when college students have been drinking, some of those pages are being vandalized. So just consider that the Idi Amin Wikipedia bio page we get on DVD might say, ‘General Idi A. Meany, Notorious Egg Sucker, President of Bananaland . . .’ ”

    â€œAll politicians will allow, and most philosophers, that reasons of state may, in particular emergencies, dispense with the rules of justice, and invalidate any treaty or alliance, where the strict observance of it would be prejudicial, in a considerable degree, to either of the contracting parties. But nothing less than the most extreme necessity, it is confessed, can justify individuals in a breach of promise, or an invasion of the properties of others.”
    â€”David Hume,
An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals
, 1777
Surabaya, Indonesia—August, the Second Year
    S oekirnan Assegaf was excited to get his first command, even if it was one of the smallest ships in the Indonesian Navy. His most recent assignment had been as a weapons officer aboard the large patrol boat KRI
(The ship had formerly been called the
when it was in service with the Royal Australian Navy.) Much of that time had been spent cruising the Strait of Malacca. It had only been three months since Assegaf had been advanced in rank from
Letnan Satu
(first lieutenant) to
(captain). Unlike most of his contemporaries, who were receiving logistics and staff officer assignments, he was getting his own ship.
    The bad news for Assegaf was that his new home port would be at Manado on Sulawesi island. This port was considered the gateway to the Celebes Sea. It was 675 miles from Surabaya and more than 1,000 miles from his family’s home in Jakarta. He would have only one or two leaves each

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