Detachment Delta

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Book: Detachment Delta by Don Bendell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Don Bendell
cheekbone break and could no longer see out of her left eye.
    She could not believe what was happening, and now he pumped in and out of her vigorously, injuring her with each thrust. She started screaming, and he laughed loudly. He punched her full power in the face, breaking her nose and pulping her lips. Giselle was barely conscious now.
    She awakened slowly and saw him naked in front of the mirror. She reached up and touched her face and wanted to scream again. It was all large swollen areas, and her left eye was swollen completely shut; her nose was shattered, and she felt that half her teeth were missing. Giselle now noticed that her ribs must be broken, as she could barely breathe. She panicked as Davood Faraz Dabdeh walked over to her. He bent over smiling, and stood back as his big leg went up in the air. She saw his heel almost in slow motion as it came down stomping at her face, and she felt all the bones smash as it crashed into her, and then the pain started subsiding, as the life ebbed out of her body. The last thing she heard was Davood picking up the telephone.
    â€œSend up that valet named Muhammad.”
    Minutes later, a well-built, handsome Iranian twenty-year-old showed up at the door of the suite and was shocked when he saw the dead woman in front of the fireplace. Davood was still nude and still sexually excited.
    Speaking in Persian, he said, “She is just a woman. We must get rid of her body later. We will make it look like an auto crash. Women are for procreation. Men are for pleasure. Remove your clothes and come to my bed.”
    Few people knew about the Dizin, Shemshak, Ab Ali, Darbandsar, and other ski resorts in the mountains north and northwest of Tehran, but this was where Davood posed as a ski instructor and easily met with numerous foreign and domestic agents. He enjoyed skiing, and also met many beautiful women to abuse and men to make love to.
    He and the mullahs and oil sheiks behind him felt that Osama bin Laden and al-Zawahiri had really slipped in stature, because they’d lost so many warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Davood Faraz Dabdeh was an up-and-comer. He was born in Iran, but spent much of his life in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan. He was incredibly wealthy himself from his own family’s oil fortunes, and most important he was ambitious and ruthless.
    One of his vices was raping and murdering women, and in Iran, under Sharia law, homosexuality could call for death by hanging, stoning, or being cut in half. On Monday, September 24, 2007, during a speech to students and faculty at Columbia University, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared that there were “no homosexuals in Iran.” As crazy as this sounded to every thinking person in the world, this was something he wanted to stringently enforce. Davood, however, was totally immune, because he brought so much to the table for not only Iran, but also that group of fanatical Muslims who desperately wanted the demise of Jews and Christians and who came from not only Iran, but Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and several more countries.
    Muhammad had two friends help him take Giselle’s body to her rental vehicle. They drove it down the road leading toward Tehran and simply sent it over the side, after setting it ablaze with her behind the front wheel. Then they all jumped in Davood’s Cadillac Escalade and rode back to the ski resort. All three young men went home that night with plenty of rials in their pockets.
    As he showered, the handsome Iranian terrorist pictured Giselle’s wealthy parents hearing about her death and wailing. He started to laugh and wondered how stupid infidels were for giving so much import to women. To him, infidels, all infidels, were completely stupid anyway.

    Plan Your Work, Work Your Plan
    CHARLIE Strongheart looked around the conference room, wondering about each man. He knew he was about to be given a mission, and he wondered

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