Detachment Delta

Free Detachment Delta by Don Bendell

Book: Detachment Delta by Don Bendell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Don Bendell
particular day, she wore a tight one-piece ski suit and was standing at the top of a sunny slope at almost twelve thousand feet in elevation, flashing her eyes at the handsome ski instructor she’d hired at the lodge. The noise of the red, enclosed two-person ski lifts opening and closing was distracting, but it was important to her to bat her eyes at this tall, dark, and handsome foreigner at the top of the mountain. Actually, she was the foreigner in his land, not the other way around, but in her mind, he was the foreigner.
    She would hold back on the way down, so his male ego would not be deflated if he learned how good she really was. She had only hired him for his looks and build, and was not concerned about learning to ski. She had been on some of the world’s most challenging expert slopes, but she had this thing for ski instructors, especially in foreign lands.
    Giselle looked into his dark brown eyes and saw the dark tan of his skin beneath his ski goggles. It took her breath away. Looking out across the snow-filled valley, they headed down the hill, with him following her.
    He stared at the movement of her muscles beneath her tight-fitting ski suit, and lust filled his mind. He would have this woman today, he decided. He had her checked out before they even left the lodge to grab their skis and climb into one of the lifts.
    There were two lodges at the base of the mountain, and he had the largest suite available, because he was filthy rich, and he was so very, very powerful. It took only a few minutes by the fire in the lodge and then a short meal, and they were headed to his suite.
    He held her at the big picture window looking up at the slopes, his muscular arms wrapped protectively around her from behind. He slowly pulled her long hair off her shoulder and kissed her gently on the back of her neck. She felt a tingle running down her spine, and as if she could barely breathe. She lifted one of his hands up to her mouth and started sucking on his index finger. His left hand slid up under her breast and her breath caught. Then he slowly moved it back down. She wanted it to move back toward her breast, which is the way he wanted her to feel.
    Suddenly, she felt her suit fall away from her body, and only then realized his hand had stealthily moved away and undone her ski suit. Now her sports bra fell to the floor, and she got goose bumps all over. She wanted to reach up and scratch her breasts, which she always did after removing her bra, but she did not want to move her hands, or anything.
    She knew he was doing something behind her and then knew what it was as she felt his hardness against her. He had removed his own clothing. Now his left hand returned and lingered just below her left breast, but then dropped down again. Her breathing became heavier. His left hand now came up on her shoulder, and he slowly spun her around, and their first kiss was soft, very soft. Then their lips came together with a passion, and parted, and his tongue started teasing into her mouth and then withdrawing.
    He lay her down on the antique Persian rug in front of the raging fire, and slowly kissed softly down her body until he was where he knew he would send her to the heights of ecstasy. She started cooing and was soon screaming in orgasmic delight, as he alternated teasing her and pleasing her, and the passion kept building.
    She wanted their bodies to become one, so badly now.
    â€œ S’il vous plaît? Please?” she begged. “Get eenside me now. I beg you.”
    She felt him as he did so, looking into his dark brown eyes and holding on to his very muscular massive arms as he entered and went deep inside her.
    They both spoke in English, which each knew quite well.
    Finally, he spoke, saying, “Scream!”
    This took her by surprise, and she said, “Qu’est-ce que c’est?”
    He laughed and she saw his large hand come up in the air and whack her viciously across her face. She felt her

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