The Honeywood Files

Free The Honeywood Files by H.B. Creswell

Book: The Honeywood Files by H.B. Creswell Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.B. Creswell
Tags: Fiction/Architecture
arrangement. One gathers that it may be so in this case.
    Dear Sir Leslie Brash,8.9.24.
    Since I saw you I have spent some time on the revision of the plan and I am glad to say that I have hit on an arrangement which meets the case excellently, as I think you will agree. I enclose sketch. You will see that by rearranging scullery, servery and den, etc., the kitchen can be lighted from the east instead of from the north, which I think an improvement; and that the length of the corridor to the back door, now a little nearer to the north front, is shortened. The bedroom arrangements, you will see, are improved, as both bedrooms have an east window, and you will note that one chimney stack serves all.
    This chimney stack comes to place well on the ridge of the roof of the small gable formed by the projection of the den on the south, and this small gable makes an attractive feature on the south elevation.
    Yours faithfully,
    Spinlove, as usual, is fulsome in pointing out the beauty of his own devices and scarcely leaves Brash any opportunity for discovering any merits in them. He is, in fact, challenging Brash to make objections; but his very frank surrender, which is perfectly sincere and born of his wish to give Brash what it is best for him to have, will be likely to establish him more firmly in favour. Brash, we have noted, has been of late more than usually portentous and stiff, and not without reason.
    Dear Mr. Spinlove,10.9.24.
    Both Lady Brash and myself entirely approve of the amended plan as the window is shown on the left of the range. Will you please instruct the builder to make the emendations?
    May we have the pleasure of expecting you at lunch at 1.30 on Saturday? There are several matters which Lady Brash and myself would like to discuss with you.
    Yours sincerely,

    Dear Sir,16.9.24.
    Bloggs reports that Mr. Potch, the rural district council surveyor, called on site and took great exception to work being begun before plans approved. Shall be glad if you will communicate or he may make things awkward.
    Yours obediently,
    Dear Sir,17.9.24.
    It has been reported to me that you visited the site of the new house at Honeywood and commented on the trenches having been cut out before approval of plans. Please accept my apologies for the oversight.
    May I point out that it is more than six weeks since I submitted plans and application form, but that I have heard nothing from you, although I have twice written calling your attention to the matter.
    Yours faithfully,
    Dear Mr. Spinlove,17.9.24.
    We were motoring in the vicinity of Marlford to-day and diverged on to the site. Both Lady Brash and myself were dumbfounded at the limited extent of the dimensions of the rooms as indicated by the trenches. We comprehended that the dimensions were restricted, but what we observed to-day alarmed us. Are you quite sure that the trenches are correct? The foreman assured us that they were exact, but have they been checked and certified? I cannot comprehend how these inconsiderable squares and oblongs can represent the apartments in which we have to reside. Please communicate by telephone between 2.30 and 3 at the office.
    Yours sincerely,
    The Brashes have suffered the usual shock with which the owner of a house views its plan entrenched on the ground.. The adequate dining-room of 22 ft. x 16 ft. appears before him as but a plot of grass four paces by six—for the width of the trenches eats up a foot or two along each wall—and nothing but a tape measure will establish his peace of mind. Spinlove no doubt poured assurances into the telephone next day.
    In reply to your letter my council takes strong objection to the high-handed action of beginning operations in contravention of by-laws before plans have

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