Grai's Game (First Wave)

Free Grai's Game (First Wave) by Mikayla Lane

Book: Grai's Game (First Wave) by Mikayla Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mikayla Lane
father would understand. He was honor-bound to help defend those who had been willing to sacrifice all for them. Even though Koda’s forces could probably handle it by themselves eventually, he was still technically using them for the Adaria.
    He smiled when the fighters swarmed around Koda’s battered and in some cases, burning ships, offering protection while the rest of them started pushing back the wave of Dagog’s forces.
    Maybe he’d fist bump with Koda later; he thought, curious to learn more about the quiet but competent Relian commander.
    Ivint watched the cameras in front of the warehouse as Viper took out the last of the dark ones with a sword to the chest before his other arm came down to decapitate it.
    He saw as Grai immediately scanned the battle field doing a quick threat assessment before walking over to his hybrid and Relian forces.
    Scanning one of the women, he immediately sat her down and called over others to help her. Breaking out med packs, they began to treat her wounds right there in the parking lot of the dock area.
    He went through each one of his people determining injuries and relegating them to different treatment areas, effectively turning the parking lot into a triage for his people.
    Those who were uninjured or with only minor injuries, started to gather the desiccated bodies of the dark ones into a pile, while another used the light stones to destroy the remains. Their efficiency was remarkable; Ivint thought.
    It took Dread and Viper only moments to realize what Grai was doing before they joined him in helping those that had fallen to their injuries, ignoring their own.
    Ivint made a quick check of those in the warehouse and the other two dark ones that had gotten in besides the one killed in MedLab by Dare and Tricia, had been killed. All minor injuries had been treated, and the women were taking care of those that his people had pulled in from outside when they had fallen.
    “All med tech’s report to the dock to assist in treatment of the fallen.” Ivint ordered, noting that they must have already been prepared for the order since it only took them moments to appear on the cameras.
    “I plan on going outside and seeing one of these creatures for myself. Maybe you would like to check on your brother?” Ivint offered Traze, seeing his concern for his brother who was still bleeding as he helped others.
    Ivint waited as Traze nodded his head mutely before running towards the door. Ivint pulled it open in time for the boy to lose no stride as he sprinted through it and to the door to the dock.
    He smiled at the boy’s antics and noticed that even Banatar and Risk were not immune to the boy’s charm. The three of them followed at a more sedate pace out to the dock and immediately started helping the wounded.
    Ivint couldn’t help but cringe slightly at the surprised look on the faces of the Relian’s and ex-Relian captives who helped make up Grai’s force when they began to assist in treating their injuries.
    Ivint would talk to Reven about it later, his brain refusing to deal with the information n agging at the back of his mind when other matters were more important right now.
    They were lucky that most of the injuries were not life threatening ; and it didn’t take much longer to deal with the majority of the injured.
    Ivint looked up as he finished with another deep cut caused by one of the deadly talons on the dark ones and saw Grai stumble as he stood from helping another one of his men. Still covered in bleeding cuts and wounds, Ivint realized Grai was the only one who had not been treated yet.
    Finishing quickly with the man he was helping, Ivint stood and scanned the parking lot for Grai. Ivint found him bent over another man near one of the roll -up doors and grabbed a med tech that had just finished with a patient, on the way.
    Reven looked up immediately as Ivint passed and saw where he was headed. Grabbing a med tech to finish with his own patient, he followed

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