Immortal Ops: New & Lengthened 2016 Anniversary Edition

Free Immortal Ops: New & Lengthened 2016 Anniversary Edition by Mandy M. Roth

Book: Immortal Ops: New & Lengthened 2016 Anniversary Edition by Mandy M. Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mandy M. Roth
night long after that, and you’ll enjoy every minute of it.”
    “That will be hard to do after I rip your tongue out,” she snapped.
    His cock twitched. He really wanted this woman. “You’ve got spunk. Now get in the damn van.”
    “Missy,” said the blonde woman, her hand on Lance’s arm. “Please. Let’s go with them. They said it’s important and about Peren.”
    Missy snorted. “And you believe them? Melanie, rule number one on how to avoid ending up in a crime scene report. Don’t get in vans with strange men.”
    “Lance isn’t strange,” Melanie said with a huff. “And I trust them.”
    Roi glanced at Lance, wondering what he’d done to get the blonde to be so easygoing. Whatever it was, Roi needed to borrow it because Missy was hardheaded.
    Melanie made a move to step into the van with Lance’s assistance , and Missy reached out, grabbed her friend’s arm , and tugged. “No way. We aren’t going anywhere with you two until you tell us what is going on.”
    “Missy, stop,” protested Melanie, jerking free and getting in the van. Lance followed and grinned at Roi.
    “Asshole,” Roi whispered under his breath, just loud enough for Lance to hear.
    Missy grunted. “I’m not an asshole. You are.”
    She’d heard him?
    The van started, and Roi stared down at the tiny stubborn woman. “In the van now.”
    She shook her head.
    His wolf pushed up, wanting to dominate her and teach her who was alpha in the situation. He growled, the sound low and deep. Normal people would have wet themselves just hearing it. This hardheaded female didn’t even bat an eye. She did, however, jut out her chin in defiance before giving him the finger.
    Giving up on trying to be nice and getting her to follow along for her own good with crazy people on the loose trying to kill folks, Roi bent, scooped her up , and tossed her over his shoulder. She smelled as sweet upside down as she did right side up.
    That has its advantages , he thought to himself.
    Missy hauled off and whapped him a good one in the back , and it actually hurt. He grunted but managed to keep hold of her despite how much she was wiggling.
    She bit him and he roared. “Ouch!”
    “Put me down, dickhead.”
    “I thought I was a pig’s asshole,” he returned, keeping her over his shoulder as he tried and failed to put her in the van.  
    “Argh,” she snapped, hitting his back again.
    Green cleared his throat from the driver’s seat. “If you could speed this along.”
    “You try getting her in here.”
    “Nope,” said Green with a wink. “That is all you, my friend.”
    The entire reason Missy and Melanie were even with them was because Green had radioed them inside the bar, informing him that the redheaded female had been injured and they needed to move out fast. Roi had been the one to make the choice to bring the other two girls back with them. Part of his decision was based on pure selfishness. He wanted to fuck Missy. Her tight ass called to him on a primal level. He wanted to have it wrapped around his cock and soon. The other reason for his decision to bring the girls was out of fear that whoever Lukian had encountered in the woods would come after the girls if left unattended. No, he didn’t want anything happening to the feisty one over his shoulder.  
    She bit him again, and he wondered if he should change his mind. His cock twitched once more. Nope. She was what he wanted all right.
    “Listen,” said Lance delicately, from inside the van. “Your friend is in some real danger here, ladies. We’re trying to help.”
    “Is she okay?” asked Melanie.
    “We don’t know,” supplied Lance. “The sooner we get to her, the better.”
    “Peren needs me!” yelled Missy. “Put me down.”
    The harder she kicked at him and dug her nails in his back, the more Roi wanted to take her to his bed and punish her. He’d never had a woman respond to his advances with hostility before. This was uncharted territory for

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