Succubus Ascendant: An Urban Fantasy (The Telepathic Clans Saga Book 4)

Free Succubus Ascendant: An Urban Fantasy (The Telepathic Clans Saga Book 4) by BR Kingsolver

Book: Succubus Ascendant: An Urban Fantasy (The Telepathic Clans Saga Book 4) by BR Kingsolver Read Free Book Online
Authors: BR Kingsolver
arrive, but while the loyal commanders were distracted, the breakouts from the shipyard occurred.
    Rebecca missed all the action, being asleep in a spare bedroom in the Dunallen Mayor’s home. Carrying a take-out cup of coffee, she arrived at the town hall at sunrise. Workers were fitting heavy metal panels to close off the gaping hole where the main entrance doors had been blown off their hinges. The area around the building looked like a war zone, with scorch marks, two burned out cars, and a lot of debris.
    Shaking her head, she entered the building through a side door and encountered the Mayor and Padraig speaking to five representatives of the Scottish national police. Although no bodies were present, Rebecca could see at least three large smears of blood on the floor. The building foyer was a shambles.
    “Something happened here,” the lead policeman was saying. “You can’t bloody tell me you have things under control. Just look at this place.”
    “Shit. We don’t have time for this,” Rebecca said, and took control of the man’s mind. Then she moved into the minds of the other four policemen and controlled them, too. The Mayor and Padraig turned to stare at her.
    “What in the hell are you doing talking to them?” Rebecca asked. “You can’t explain something like this.”
    “We have police and press all over the place, and at the shipyard, too,” Padraig said, his bearing stiff. He hadn’t said anything during the past three days, but he’d made it obvious enough that he resented a young girl looking over his shoulder.
    “Bloody hell,” Rebecca said. “Call your O’Donnell commanders and tell them to implement damage control around the shipyard. Find some people with more than half a brain who can think and assign at least one to every press crew you can find. Block off all entrances to the battle zones and blur the minds of anyone who approaches. This is Containment 101. Don’t you people in Ireland prepare for this kind of crap?”
    She held up her hand to forestall any answers and pulled out her phone to call Brenna.
    “Sis? We have a major clusterfuck in Glasgow. I need at least one, preferably several, containment teams here ASAP.”
    “What’s happening there?” Brenna answered. “We’re getting reports of a major battle.”
    “Call me,” Rebecca said and hung up. Immediately, she heard Brenna’s voice in her head.
    *What the hell’s going on?*
    *We had at least two battles. We have Scottish police and press. The people on the ground here are bloody incompetents. They were trying to talk to the Goddamn police!*
    She showed Brenna the scene in the town hall.
    *I need people here who know how to deal with a public problem. I need them now, and I don’t care how they get here,* Rebecca sent.
    *I’ll call Nigel and Callie,* Brenna sent and then broke the connection.
    “Okay,” Rebecca said, turning to Padraig, “what’s our status?”
    Red faced, he gathered himself and said, “We had an attack here that we fought off. There was a three-pronged breakout at the shipyard. Heavy casualties. Hugh’s forces captured two ships and took them to sea. Hugh has several hundred men loose in the Glasgow area.”
    “Wonderful,” Rebecca said. She gestured toward the police, still standing in the middle of the room and staring into space. “What are they doing here?”
    “There was a police helicopter that witnessed the battle at the shipyard and reported it. These men showed up a few minutes ago wanting to know what’s going on,” the mayor said.
    “Why are they here and not at the shipyard?” Rebecca asked.
    “They showed up and some idiots let them into town,” Padraig said.
    “Idiot is right. Find out who it was and ship them to Ireland. I wouldn’t bet that they weren’t working for Hugh.”
    The looks on the Mayor’s and Padraig’s faces showed sudden shock.
    Rebecca ran her hand through her hair and thought furiously.
    “So, what’s our story? The town hall was hit

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