His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1)

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Book: His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1) by Sascha Illyvich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sascha Illyvich
still juicy, all the same.
    Lukina moaned, arching her body into his, her breasts crashing into his side, arms wrapping around the back of his neck and sliding down over his massive shoulders.
    He hoped he could keep this up.
    Arching her body against his, he felt every inch of Lukina with his hands.
    Ilona flicked her tongue over the curve of his ear. She breathed heavily in his ear.
    His knees went weak. How could they both feel so good to him? “Oh god!” Words came out as a harsh whisper. He grabbed Ilona by the shoulders and shoved her down to her knees.
    She fell to the ground and reached for his zipper.
    He jerked away at first.
    “Józsi, why?” Ilona looked up at him, her hair matted and her lips open in a pout.
    He looked down at her with soft eyes. The image of her sucking his cock surfaced and made his hard cock ache. His heart wondered how he could love them both, if he loved anyone at all. “How can I please both of you at the same time?”
    “You need not worry about that.” Lukina spoke first. “Just love us emotionally. The physical stuff will come into play soon enough.”
    He didn’t want to believe in the emotional attachment. It had been so long since he’d had an emotional attachment to anyone that he’d almost forgotten how.
    It was a struggle between his mind and his heart again. He didn’t know what to do. But he quickly realized it didn’t matter.
    Ilona’s hand brushed over his cock and he twitched beneath his pants. She reached for the zipper, slowly tugging it down, down until his cock was free. His cock fell forward, proudly jutting outward.
    She wrapped nimble fingers around it and began licking it like a lollipop.
    Józsi shuddered, his nerves on edge from her mouth on his cock and Lukina’s tongue in his ear. Hair stood up on the back of his neck, trembles started low in his belly and branched outward to his knees.
    He felt Lukina’s fingers tangle in his hair, catching loose strands of hair from his ponytail. She took a handful of hair and tugged his head backward, exposing the chorded muscle of his neck. Licking his neck, she swirled her tongue around in circles.
    Sensations shot through his body from both women.
    “Let me love you,” Ilona begged, her lips sealing around his cock while she spoke.
    “And let me love you too.” Lukina’s mouth latched onto his neck rapaciously.
    He couldn’t think. Physical response took over, pushing out all other thoughts. Shoving away the desire to evade the prophecy, the people or the pack. Unadulterated lust consumed him. Compulsion to bury himself inside her warmth drove his actions.
    Gripping his cock in one hand, he pulled it from Ilona’s mouth. “Get on the ground,” he commanded in a raspy voice.
    Ilona giggled.
    In an instant, Lukina moved from his side to Ilona’s.
    Ilona sat on the ground, leaning back on her hands, spreading her long legs apart.
    Lukina’s mouth sealed over Ilona's.
    Józsi took his cock and pumped himself a few times, feeling the satiny steel erection already slick with precum and Ilona’s saliva. Kneeling beside Ilona, he took her face in his hands and brought his mouth down on hers with fervor. Sinking his tongue between her lips, he embraced the feeling of her hands around his shoulders. Tension escaped him as her fingers massaged his aching muscles.
    A second pair of hands found his mane, stroking his hair, comforting him. Setting him at ease. He opened his eyes briefly to see Ilona’s voluptuous body glowing a grayish white color. Warmth filled his veins.
    “Take your pants completely off, silly!” Ilona pressed her lips to his chest.
    Lukina continued licking his ear, flicking her tongue against the soft skin.
    Ilona reached for his cock, gripping him with warm, nimble fingers. She began pumping him.
    He arched his body forward and a blissful moan escaped his lips.
    Fingers tousled his hair, ran down his chest. Someone reached for the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head. Discarding

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