His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1)

Free His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1) by Sascha Illyvich

Book: His Reign (The Opeth Pack Saga Book 1) by Sascha Illyvich Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sascha Illyvich
long before extricating himself became too difficult, because his heart had forever belonged to Lukina and Ilona. And this place. He clenched his teeth. "Fine. Can the pack not survive without you?”
    She shrugged. “It could, but why mess with history?”
    Józsi looked straight ahead, tossed her hand aside. “Because history will get you killed.” He'd kept up with the papers, watched the wars in various parts of the world and saw the repeated mistakes made by leadership all in the name of trying to keep peace. Józsi wanted no part in that decision making process. He started walking again.
    Lukina caught up and kept pace with him.
    They came to the back of the field by the church and stopped.
    Drawing in a deep breath, he pointed to where Ilona had been when he left her. “She’s over there.”
    Lukina put her hands on her oh so sensual hips. “You know, it’s not so healthy to feel alone amongst your own kind.”
    Józsi waved a hand absentmindedly. “What would you know about loneliness?”

Chapter 4
    “ I know enough about loneliness from watching Ilona. She’s missed you more than I could imagine. Have you even seen her smile recently?”
    There was nothing he could say to that, so he kept quiet. But Lukina wasn’t done.
    “Next time, just look at her. Just look at how empty her smile is, Józsi. And think about what you could do to fill that emptiness.”
    Her words punched him in the gut. “Nothing I can do will fill that space. I am only responsible for myself.”
    “Be that way.” Abruptly, Lukina turned and strolled off through the field, her ponytail swinging just below her shoulders.
    He'd have to leave this all behind shortly. Of course he could stick around just to make sure the two of them were safe enough for the time being. That wasn't something he wanted to sign on for. Maybe...he shook his head at the thought of dragging them back to America. Instead, Józsi followed her until he came upon her and Ilona. Embracing, Ilona held Lukina tightly. The sight of them together, pack sisters and lovers for eternity, so openly tugged mercilessly at his heart.
    “Well, what are we doing next?” Ilona looked at Józsi.
    “ We are doing nothing. I am going back home tonight.” He pursed his lips.
    “But you promised me you would help us. You promised us both that you’d never throw us out to the sharks.”
    “That’s right.” Ilona stepped closer to Józsi, torment in her eyes. Putting her hands on her hips, she looked angrily at him. “You promised us you’d never leave. And now you’re going to leave us. Again. Why are you such a damn liar, Józsi?”
    “Hey.” He put his hands up. “I’m not a liar.” I would rather you both come with me. “You can both either come with or remain here. But this is not my battle.”
    “Yes, it is.” Lukina strode forward, pointing her finger into his chest. “This is your battle the same as it is ours. Kiba was your Alpha and the Opeth pack is your pack, whether you like it or not. Accept it, Józsi, and be a fucking man.”
    His eyes widened. Nobody challenged him the way Lukina always did. He took a step back and kept his hands up.
    Ilona followed him. “You’re here. You might as well help us.”
    “I don’t have to do anything.” He turned and began walking away. The truck they used to drive into Budapest was only a few miles away, and Budapest could be reached on foot in a day.
    “That’s right.” Ilona turned her back on him. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Run away again, you fucking asshole.”
    “She’s right. You’re a coward.” Lukina spat out.
    Seething, Józsi spun around and stared at them, his pulse racing. Fists clenched, eyes burning with rage while his nostrils flared He was tired of being accused of leaving everyone behind. Didn't they realize this was for the best? "I'm not a God damn leader!"
    His gaze settled on Ilona's heaving chest, hardened nipples poking against the fabric of her

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