The Collectors Book Five (The Collectors Series 5)

Free The Collectors Book Five (The Collectors Series 5) by Ron Sewell

Book: The Collectors Book Five (The Collectors Series 5) by Ron Sewell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ron Sewell
“I need your help. It’s a favour for Andreas. He wants us to put a ghost to bed.”
                  Bear took a deep breath. “Come in. Coffee?”
                  Bear filled two cups from the bubbling percolator and placed them on the kitchen table.
                  “How can I help?”
                  “The same as you always do. Be there to pull me out of the shit.”
                  Bear leaned forwards, his elbows on the table. “I know you better than you know yourself. You’re bored and stubborn enough to go it alone. I gather we might be clambering over mountains. We’ll need the proper gear.”
                  “A map of the area would be useful. Climbing equipment, we’ll buy in Thessalonica. You don’t happen to have blonde Bob’s phone number?”
                  “That rascal’s flying helicopters for the oil and gas rigs.”
                  “Make contact. We might need a pilot in a rush.”
                  “When are we leaving?”
                  “I’m giving a talk to the sixth form at my old school next week but I’ll let you know soonest.”
                  “In truth, I’m bored to death doing nothing. At least this is something.”
                  “You and me both.” He stood. “Stay where you are. I’ll let myself out.”
                  Bear followed to the door. “Blue skies for a week, must be summer.”
                  Petros gazed at the clear sky, excited by the prospect locating a missing train. As a favour to Andreas, Maria’s approval would drag him out of a rut. He strolled towards Tower Hill underground station with a spring in his step.
                  He checked the time. With the sun on his face, he chose to walk the three miles to Stanfords Map Shop in Covent Garden. Maps of Greece seemed plentiful but in the end, he required an assistant to find a detailed map showing the topography of northern Greece.
                  On the train home, he studied the location pointed out by Andreas. The absence of a railway line surprised him but he noted the many roads.
    “Bear phoned,” said Maria as he closed the main door. “He wants you to call him back.”
                  He punched a memory button on his mobile.
                  “Blonde Bob’s not flying for the next couple of weeks, maybe more. The air safety people have grounded their machines. Something to do with gearbox problems.”
                  “That’s good news for us. Contact Charles Haskell and ask if he can arrange a chopper from Thessalonica. We’ll supply the pilot.”
                  “It’ll be an arm and a leg job.”
                  “I know but it means we can be in and out in a couple of days. I’ll charge it to expenses. My accountant can make it tax deductable or something. Whatever, it’s better than walking for four days with a pack on your back.”
                  “You’re getting old.”
                  “Older and wiser. I have the money; why not use it to our advantage.”
                  “Can’t disagree. Oh, blonde Bob says whatever the job, seven-fifty a day plus expenses. I said I’d be in touch.”
    Petros arrived at his old school and parked his ancient BMW in the playground, pausing as he did to study the once familiar scene. A sign in bold black letters directed him to the administration office.
                  Mary White stopped staring at the screen of her word processor and lifted her gaze. She smiled. “Petros Kyriades, the headmaster’s in the library with the sixth form. You’d better hurry, in two minutes you’ll be late.”
                  He chuckled before saying as he

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