Her Way

Free Her Way by Jessica Jarman

Book: Her Way by Jessica Jarman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Jarman
held her hand out. “Nice to meet you, Sally. I love your yard. It’s beautiful.”
    “Thank you. I enjoyed doing it.”
    “Sally and her brother own a landscaping company. She has some ideas for your yard.”
    The woman blushed. “I don’t want to be pushy. Hannah and I just got to talking about some things…”
    “I’d love to hear about them. I’ve been at a loss of what to do with this huge yard. I know nothing about plants or anything. Why don’t we go outside? It’ll be quieter and we can talk?”
    The two walked outside and sat on the porch swing. After a few awkward moments, Sally began talking enthusiastically about what she’d do with the space surrounding Emma’s house.
    “Honestly that sounds great, but I would have no clue where to start with that. Maybe you could draw something up and get me an estimate?”
    “Oh, I didn’t come here to solicit!” Sally’s cheeks flamed red.
    Emma laughed. “I know, but you obviously know what you’re doing. I’d really appreciate if you’d do it—if you have the time.”
    “Of course I will if you want. I’ll get it to you by the end of the week. I’ll come in a day or two to take some measurements and look around?”
    “Sounds great. I look forward to…” She trailed off as she watched a dark truck pull up in front of the house. Will got out and started up the stone path.
    Sally followed her gaze. “Well, that’s a fine-looking man. He seems to have eyes just for you,” she glanced at Emma, “and vice versa, I see. I’ll just head in now.”
    Emma was jerked from her ogling when the woman walked in front of her to go to the door. “Oh Sally, um, I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
    “Yup. Later.”
    Her gaze was drawn back to Will as he came up the steps and crossed to her.
    “Hello, Miss Emma.”
    “Hi.” She set her wine glass down next to the swing and stood.
    He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. “Sorry I’m late.” With that, his mouth was on hers.
    Oh. My. God . Not a simple close-mouthed kiss this night. No, it was a plundering. Aggressive and demanding. And Emma simply opened herself to it. God, he tasted so damned good. So right. Heat swept through her and the twitch, twitch started. Oh who was she fooling? The twitching had begun the second she’d seen the truck pull up.
    With a sigh, he pulled away, swept a hand down her hair. “I missed you, sweetheart. It’s been a helluva long week.”
    “I’m glad you’re here. Do you want to sit out here or should we go in?”
    “Well, it’s your party. I shouldn’t monopolize your time. But promise me some swing time afterwards.” His mouth widened into a grin.
    He leaned down and kissed her again. A hot press of lips, a sweep of tongue, a nibble on her bottom lip. Then, it was over. Damn it all. Stupid party.
    “No frowning.” He touched her mouth with his fingers. “Smile and make nice.”
    “I’d rather make nice with you.” She struggled not to blush when she said it, but the heat in her cheeks told her she’d failed.
    “Hmmm, sweetheart, we’ll make all kinds of nice a bit later.”
    “Auntie Emma! Auntie Emma!” Mia and Mandy came skidding out of the house.
    “Will’s here? Cool. Can we have pancakes again?” Mia asked, attaching herself to Will’s leg and gazing up at him.
    “Not tonight, munchkin.” He tweaked the girl’s nose, causing her to giggle.
    “Did you guys need something?” Emma asked
    “The food is icky. Can we have peanut butter and jelly?” Mandy made a face.
    Emma laughed. “Sure. C’mon, you can help me make them.” She took the girls’ hands and glanced at Will. “Um, Hannah and Lynn are in there. You could go visit or…”
    “I’ll be fine. Go feed the natives.”
    Will followed Emma and her nieces into the house, hardly able to rip his gaze away from the sway of her hips beneath the knee-length wispy skirt. Damn. And those legs.
    “Hey, Will, you made it.” Hannah came up

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