Sisterhood Of Lake Alice

Free Sisterhood Of Lake Alice by Mari M. Osmon

Book: Sisterhood Of Lake Alice by Mari M. Osmon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari M. Osmon
to the weeping willow tree in the backyard. There was an old quilt spread out under the tree and eight beautifully wrapped gifts, candles, and more wine. Each girl had two gifts with her name on them. As they all took their regular spots in the circle, they seemed lost in the memories of all they had shared under this tree. They had learned the facts of life from Lindy under this tree. They had held Rebecca as she told them about her heartless father. They had comforted Emily after Isabel had left. They had listened to Grace talk about the love for her brother, Denny, while she questioned why she had been spared.
    Finally, Emily told them to open their good-bye gifts. Inside the first package was a stunning handmade quilt of bright colors and expensive squares of silk and satin. Each quilt was different. In the middle of the quilt, their names were embroidered. Enclosed was a personal letter from Isabel congratulating them on their graduation and sharing some of her special memories and a wish for a happy future. They clung to their quilts and cried as they read Isabel’s sentimental letter. The second package was a gift from Emily. Each of them had a Norwegian sweater; all of them were the same except their initials, which were embroidered on the right pocket. Even though it was a hot, humid evening, all four girls put on the heavy sweaters and toasted each other. They toasted each other that all of their dreams would come true.
    That night, they all slept cuddled in their new, special quilts. They dreamed about what the future held for them. In the morning, before they left for their homes, they made a solemn vow to always stay connected to each other. They promised to write once a month with news of their new lives. Then, as though it had been planned, they joined hands and sang “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” with tears streaming down their faces. It was time to leave and begin their new beginnings.

Chapter Six  
    Emily’s parents arrived home a few hours after the girls had left. Her mother immediately went to their bedroom, claiming to be ill with a severe headache. Emily was packing the last of her things when her father came into her room. He sat on her bed and told her, “Your mother continues to be extremely upset with your choice of college. I have decided that it is best not to upset her any more than necessary. Therefore, I think that you should drive yourself to Madison. Here is a packet with a map and directions from AAA and an envelope with $500. Your private dorm room at Chadbourne Hall is waiting for you. I opened a bank account for you, and there will be money deposited each month for your expenses. If you find that it is not enough, just call me and I will increase the amount.”
    After her father left, Emily sat on her window seat, looking at the weeping willow tree. Her father would never know that all she ever needed from him was just a little love and acceptance. She knew in her heart that when she left the next day, her life was going to take a dramatic turn. She also knew with certainty that whatever her new life was to be, her parents would not be a part of it. She was done feeling rejected for no reason other than she had survived while her twin brother had not.
    She wrote a letter to her parents telling them how miserable she had been in this beautiful, sterile house. She told them that she did not intend to return to see them. Now they could consider themselves free of her. She vowed to leave all the pain behind tomorrow in the house that overlooked Lake Alice and start fresh. Hello, new world—Emily Larson is on the way!
    It was a five-hour drive to Madison, Wisconsin. As she crossed the Mississippi River, which divides Minnesota and Wisconsin, she took a deep breath. For some strange reason, she began to smile. She was on her way in her bright red VW convertible to a new life.
    Madison was a beautiful college town with two large lakes right in the middle of the campus.

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