Culture Shock

Free Culture Shock by Ginger Simpson

Book: Culture Shock by Ginger Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginger Simpson
prevailed and Alex sobered. "Well, that was good, but nothing's changed. What the hell are we going to do? I can't go to work like this."
    After bantering back and forth for hours, Cynthia's nerves were completely frayed. She stood and held up a surrendering hand. "Look, we aren't getting anywhere and I'm exhausted. I need to sleep. Maybe we can think better after a good night's rest."
    Alex nodded. "You're right, but how do we decide who sleeps where? You have my body and I have yours. Do you go to my apartment or do I? Do I sleep in your bed or in my own?"
    Cynthia furrowed her brow. "I hadn't thought of that." She glanced down at the body that had become hers. "I guess I won't exactly fit into my night gown."
    "Oh, noooo," he interjected. "Don't think I'm wearing one. I may be stuck in this body but I refuse to play the part. It's bad enough that I have on this foo-foo blouse...and I've already sampled your shoes. That's enough for me."
    Cynthia put her hands on her hips. "Oh, yeah? Well, you didn't seem to mind when I had them on, and...don't look now, but you're wearing a thong."
    Alex grabbed his rear end with both hands. "Oh, Christ, what next?"
    "How about if we both sleep here tonight? One of us can have the bed and the other the sofa. That way we don't have to make any rash decisions right away."
    "Sounds good to me. I'll take the couch." Despite the mass confusion, he still acted the gentleman.
    "No, you take the bed. I'm used to it...or you're used to it. Oh, hell, the body is used to it. I'll just sleep on the sofa. No more discussion."
    "Okay. You win." Alex acquiesced and walked into the bedroom. "But I'm sleeping in my clothes…your clothes…anything but your nightgown."
    Cynthia followed him and rummaged in the closet for blankets. Alex settled between the clean sheets and snuggled down.
    "Sure, you get the bed and I have to sleep on the stinky couch," she mumbled.
    "I heard that!" He raised his head. "It was your idea, not mine."
    She didn't respond, but returned to the living room and snapped the blankets a little too vigorously as she spread them out on the sofa. This wasn't his fault, but she didn't have anywhere else to aim her anger. The scream rising in her throat threatened to choke off her breath.
    Alex felt a tad guilty, but curled on his side, scrunched the pillow into a comfortable ball, and closed his eyes. He was dozing off when he heard Cynthia tiptoeing toward the bathroom. He rolled over. "Where are you going?"
    "You don't have to be a Rhode's scholar to figure it out. The only other room attached to the bedroom is the bathroom." Her voice showed her annoyance. "I'm going to brush my teeth. I always do before I go to bed."
    "Well, should I go with you and bring your teeth?" he snapped back.
    "I would appreciate a little less sarcasm if you don't mind. And, since you mentioned it, you might want to brush before you go to sleep, too."
    He should have kept quiet.
    Alex rolled back over and faced the wall. "I'll pass. I don't like sharing toothbrushes." He chuckled. "Hell, I don't know why not. We're sharing everything else at the moment." His attempt at humor to ease her distress fell far short of the mark. He turned back to face the wall and listened as the sofa creaked beneath her weight or rather his weight.
    With the blanket beneath his chin, the aroma of her perfume lingered on the linen. Under different circumstances he might have been aroused.
    He tossed and turned. Ever since Cynthia had mentioned the word, "thong", Alex had an incredible urge to pick at his behind. He fought against exploring and kept his hands in check as long as he could. Finally, he couldn't stand it anymore and plucked at the flimsy undergarment strung between his cheeks. His mind questioned the need for butt floss. He'd always found skimpy undergarments a turn-on, but he didn't expect to be the one wearing them. The thought didn't bring a chuckle as he hoped. Nothing about this nightmare

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