Mate Magic

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Book: Mate Magic by Shannon Duane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shannon Duane
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal
familiar, “Can I help you?”
    The woman strolled in with confidence, and it was only then that Bailey noticed she was the same woman that pulled over after Paul had almost wrecked his truck. She smelled like a bakery, more specifically honey buns. “Do you work here? Alone?”
    Bailey became slightly worried and angled herself closer to the panic button. “Yep, just filling in for a while.”
    The woman’s face took on a slightly sinister smile and she inhaled deeply at Bailey’s neck. “They let virgins run a sex shop? Odd that you’re Alpha would allow an unmated virgin to be on her own in a place like this. Why hasn’t he claimed you?”
    Was this lady psycho? Bailey had no clue what the hell was going on. “Is there something I can help you find?”
    She tittered. “I’m quite sure you wouldn’t be able to help me with anything in this store. In fact, I came here to see you.”
    “I’m flattered but I’m going to have to decline. I’m more of a solo player, and if I were to pick a partner they would be decidedly male. You’ve got great legs though.”
    “You bitch. I came to-“she was cut off by the sound of the bell tinkling indicating there was another player in this party. “I’ll come back later. We’re not done.”
    As the woman sauntered away Bailey couldn’t help but say. “No, really, I’m not interested, we’re way done.”
    The beautiful woman stopped and twisted around with grace, popping her hip to the side and pacing her well-manicured hand on her hip running it down the length of her leg, exposed by the slip of silk she wore as a dress. “Like I said, that’s not what I meant. I wouldn’t want a scarred virgin in my bed.” She blew Bailey a kiss and turned, “Tootles.”
    Bailey cringed at the blatant insult to everything that made her hate herself. She bowed her head and tried to keep the tears at bay. It was a losing battle.
    Bailey heard someone approach and by their scent she knew it was Paul. Great, how many times did he have to witness her embarrassment? She knew he’d heard everything the beautiful spiteful woman had said. She remembered the way he smelled aroused as he saw this woman and now all she could smell was pity.
    “Are you okay Bailey?”
    She wiped a tear from her face and said, “Sure, why wouldn’t I be? First customer didn’t buy anything though. Maybe the next one won’t be as cheap.” The word cheap was spat out in distain.
    Paul knew she was hurting but wasn’t sure what to do or say. “I’m sorry. I’ll buy something if it’ll make you smile.”
    Bailey looked up and gave him a fake smile. “You should go so I can get back to work.”
    “There’s the Bailey I know, a fighter. Who was that?”
    “How am I supposed to know? She talked about Jake and why I hadn’t been claimed. Asked if I worked alone and said she came to see me. Weird, I have no idea who she was, but she clearly doesn’t like me.”
    Paul looked startled. “If she comes back give me a call. She may be dangerous."
    Bailey looked him in the eyes and said, “I’m not your pimp and I don’t appreciate you asking me to call you when your hot date gets here.”
    Paul scowled. “I don’t want to date her, Bailey, and I don’t appreciate you talking to me like that when all I want to do is see to your protection. You think I’d date someone like her who would speak to you that way?” Paul was pissed, “Never mind; don’t answer. It’s clear what you think. Call me if you need something, otherwise, I’ll pick you up later.”
    Bailey stood there in shock. She was out of line, but dammit, she was jealous. She wanted to be beautiful but because of the scars she knew she was a Frankenstein. She’d begun to get over those feelings of insecurity, but when she was around Paul, for some reason, she wanted him to see her as feminine and pretty. Now he probably thought she was crazy.
    Bailey went behind the register and ran her finger over Paul’s phone number that Jake

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