Mate Magic
before and you were all sickly brown but now you’re turning yellowish. You’re healing.”
    “ Trevor, you’re a special boy, but sometimes I don’t understand you. Can you explain what you mean?”
    He giggled again. “Your color. I’m no wolfie so I don’t smell you, but I can see your color and it tells me how you feel inside. Mommy used to be so dark brown I never thinks she could be happy, but then she met my daddy. I loves my daddy because he loves me and mama.”
    So he could see the future and auras. He really was an amazing kid. “I understand now. Thank you for explaining. I’m glad I’m not icky colored anymore.”
    He smiled up at her and went back to his pop tart. “You better hurry and eat ‘cuz mama wakes early too and she gonna catch you.”
    Jake was driving Bailey to Insatiable so he could show her around the shop. She looked lost in thought, “You change your mind Bailey?”
    She jumped. “Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about Trevor. He’s a great kid. I really like being around someone so innocent.”
    Jake chuckled, “He has a way of growing on you. He is a great kid and I’m so proud of him and the family we’ve made. Shana sometimes worries he won’t fit in, but he’s liked by everyone.”
    Bailey smiled at Jake, “Thanks for the pop tarts this morning.”
    “Oh God, don’t say anything to Shana. She’ll kill me.”
    They pulled into the parking lot. “Your secret is safe with me. As long as you keep bringing in the contraband.”
    Jake unlocked the door and gestured Bailey to enter ahead of him. “Ladies first.”
    She walked in to the store that was, surprisingly, not trashy. There were lubes on a stand to the right and lingerie displayed on racks on the wall. As she traveled deeper into the store she saw vibrators and dildos hanging from the wall hooks as well. She worried all morning that she was going to feel uncomfortable or trashy but she didn’t.
    Jake’s voice sounded from behind her. “The register is here,” he showed her how to operate it. “Easy, isn’t it? And there is a panic button if you get someone who’s acting inappropriate. I can tell you that my pack is aware of this store and they often come in, but others know it’s here as well. If you’re uncomfortable at all, you should push the button and someone will come immediately.” Jake looked in her eyes, “Do you understand? Do not hesitate to press this button.”
    Bailey recoiled at his Alpha voice but responded quickly dropping her head. “Yes, Alpha.”
    “Aww, sorry Bailey. I didn’t mean to do the Alpha power thing. I’m just worried about you. I want you to understand that we’re here for you.” At her continued silence he said, “Do you want me to stay or are you okay on your own?”
    Bailey spoke quietly with her eyes still downcast. “I’ll be fine on my own. Thank you for bringing be here and showing me around. I appreciate the opportunity.”
    Jake sighed. “Here are the phone numbers for myself, Shana and Paul. Paul wanted to come with you this morning but he was still in his room when we left. Chances are he’ll stop by later to see how things are going.”
    Bailey felt herself blush and averted her face but then she was looking at a display of butt plugs and she felt herself blush even more. Crap.
    Jake laughed. “Interesting. Call if you need me.” He walked out the door and she was alone in a sex shop. What the hell was she doing?
    She sat behind the counter for a few minutes and became restless. She began to wander the store. They were stocked with everything from bachelorette party favors to dirty movies. Bailey had been taught to breed but this store implied there would be pleasure in the act. There were pictures of women who appeared to be enjoying themselves, who knew?
    Bailey was wandering around the dildo aisle when she heard the bell above the door tinkle. She turned and was surprised to find a gorgeous woman standing in the doorway. She looked

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