The Phoenix Rising
Raidan had told
him, about the Phoenix Ring, a clandestine group of humans bent on
breaking and reforming the Empire. He knew they were cooperating
with Rotham forces. Presumably, that meant the Rahajiim. “Tell me,”
said Calvin. “Are the Rahajiim working with humans to achieve their
    “ Yes, though the Advent has
not uncovered who yet. But we know the Rahajiim have dealings with
a covert human organization.”
    Calvin nodded. It had to be the Phoenix
Ring. “Thank you. Now where can I find these Rahajiim?”
    “ I told you, I do not know.
No one knows.”
    “ Then tell me something
else. Where have they been? What are they doing? What are they
looking for? I need a lead of some kind.”
    “ I know the name of a ship
they were trying to find. I’m not sure why it’s important. It might
have something to do with this weapon, I don’t know.”
    “ Give me the
    “ It is a human ship. The
Arcane Storm.”
    That was all the confirmation Calvin needed.
He and his crew were definitely going after the Arcane Storm. But,
if the Rahajiim hadn’t stolen the ship—who had?
    “ Calvin,” Tristan spoke up
suddenly and shot him a frank look. “May we speak in
    Calvin found this request odd but decided to
grant it. After all, Tristan had the freshest leads on the Arcane
Storm’s whereabouts.
    “ We have to go after that ship,” the lycan
said as soon as the door closed.
    Calvin took a seat behind his desk and
looked up at the Remorii with conflicted feelings. In many ways
Tristan represented the trust he had in Raidan—cautious but
genuine—and he’d saved Calvin’s life back on Aleator. But he was
still Remorii. One of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy.
“I know,” he said.
    “ And I know where we should
start looking,” said Tristan. “Echo Three.”
    “ Where is that?”
    “ It’s inside the DMZ,”
Tristan said and his eyes widened. “But we have to keep information
about our search extremely quiet.”
    Calvin raised an eyebrow. “How quiet?” He
hadn’t planned to broadcast to the universe what he was up to, but
he had no reason to distrust the crew. Men and women who’d chosen
to remain behind. Many of whom had literally mutinied on his
    “ Tell no one else. Keep
everything on a need to know basis only.”
    “ And my bridge officers?” he
thought of Miles, Sarah, and Shen. There was no one in the galaxy
he trusted more.
    “ Tell them nothing.” Tristan
folded his arms.
    Calvin thought this an odd request. “Three
of my analysts already know what we’re looking for, plus anyone
they’ve told. And I must inform Summers, Pellew, and Alex where
we’re going, especially if it’s inside the DMZ.”
    “ Why?”
    “ Because they’ll expect to
be told, but more importantly…” Calvin wasn’t sure how to sugarcoat
it so he just said what he felt. “I don’t fully trust you, Tristan,
and I want their perspectives, along with any information they may
have regarding our destination.” He also hoped Alex would know
something more about Echo Three—thinking perhaps the Advent had a
file on the mysterious location—and Calvin wanted Summers and
Pellew there to help him judge whether or not Alex was telling the
truth, when pressed with further questions. That and he doubted he
could elicit their cooperation if he kept them in the dark,
especially Summers. He did not want to fight her at every turn
    “ Fine. But after that, we
put a lid on this.”
    “ Why does our destination
have to be a secret?”
    “ Raidan may trust you, but
the Organization doesn’t trust your whole ship. Please grant me
this one request.”
    Calvin thought about it for a moment. “If I
do, I want something in return.”
    “ Name it.”
    “ I want your guarantee that
you will share all your best intelligence with me. And any time I
have a question for Raidan, or the Organization, you will send it,
and keep sending it, until I get an answer.”

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