A Grave Exchange

Free A Grave Exchange by Jane White Pillatzke

Book: A Grave Exchange by Jane White Pillatzke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jane White Pillatzke
be over, anyway. Between the two, the river was the better option. After r ipping the laces open on my boots , I pulled them off and flung them aside. M y feet screamed at me in protest , but I had no time to rest them. I d rew off my socks , yanked open the zipper on my parka , and shrugged out of the heavy garment. I left everything behind, as I took a deep breath and then hurled myself into the frigid waters . T he icy coldness momentarily confused me, but I bobbed up to the surface and tried to get sense of my direction. I could hear tree branches cracking off to the left , so I swung to the right and began swimming with quick, strong strokes. T he cold stiffen ed my limbs , and I thanked the g ods that my parents had insisted I take swimming lessons as a child. Despite my skill, m y arms still ached, my breaths were pained and small, and the frigid water made my thoughts jumble into a state of confus ion. But I kept going, and slowly , the other side drew closer, until finally I looked up and saw him. Lucius, standing there in the clearing, waiting for me. His lips moved, and I sensed him shouting something, but I couldn’t hear him above the choppy waves . O n I swam , forcing myself to keep going, telling myself that soon—very soon—I could stop. Lucius would take care of me. Lucius would protect me. I risked a glance b ehind me and nearly drowned , for there , on the bank , stood the k ing and Fausto, grim - faced and obviously indignant o ver the fact that I appeared to have escaped him . I turn ed back, and with renewed vigor , I pushed myself ahead, kicking with everything I had . Lucius crouched down and placed his hands out toward me . I grabbed on and held tight, and he pulled me from the river as if I weighed no more than a small child . Lifting me into his arms , he kissed me with punishing lips . I turned my face, gasping for air , but I stayed safely in his grasp.
    “Ivy , I am in awe of what you just did . N ever for a second did the King think a human woman could escape him, but you did . Y ou are amazing.”
    The dawning realization of what I did hit me like a freight train, and I started to sob, making silly , hiccupping noises . Lucius lowered us both to the ground , and I curled up in his arms as he rock ed me gently . He wrapp ed his coat around the two of us, and we sat like this for the longest time . S lowly , my breath ing returned to normal, and my hiccupp ing grew softer . Lucius lifted my chin , and I gazed into his molten eyes with their red-rimmed pupils . I stroked his face, loving the feel of his velvet skin . With a sigh, I reached up and kissed hi m , savoring the taste that is Lucius . I i nhal ed his woodsy scent , so uniquely him, and snuggl ed closer in his arms . I felt as if I’d come home .
    “Ivy , you nearly killed me , and that truly is quite a feat .”
    Laughing dryly , I looked up at him, shocked to see a single red tear fall from his eye s .
    “I would have found a way to kill myself had I lost you, ” he said. “N othing is worth living for if you are not here to share it with me.”
    I laid my head on his chest, questions swarming my confused brain . I wanted answers , but my eyes started to close , and I gave up the good fight . I was safe, I was in Lucius’ arms , and that’s all I cared about right then . Leaning against him, I sighed and asked him to take us home.

    Chapter N i ne
    I awoke suddenly with the dire need to use the bathroom . I was back at Lucius’ house , and I slid out of the bed but almost crashed to the floor as my legs gave out beneath me. E very muscle in my body ached badly, and I steadied myself with the bedpost for a moment before hobbling toward the connected bathroom. A light glowed softly from there, lighting my way. I closed the door gently so as not to awaken him , and then quickly sat down to relieve my full bladder.
    A s I sat there , I gazed down at my feet and winced . T hey were raw and bloody, and I wondered

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