The Doxy's Daybook: A Friday in Two Acts

Free The Doxy's Daybook: A Friday in Two Acts by Sable Jordan

Book: The Doxy's Daybook: A Friday in Two Acts by Sable Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sable Jordan
“This isn’t going to work.” Tony’s hands are shaking with rage, but he’s intent on mopping up every drop of liquid from my dress.  “Tell me what I owe you and—”
    I stop his hand, take the napkin from him.  “How about you go take a shower and relax a bit; give me and Thad a chance to talk, hm?”
    Tony flicks his angry gaze to his partner—who is sitting on the couch as though nothing has happened—then looks back to me, uncertain.
    “I’ll be fine,” I assure. “Won’t I, Thad?”
    The other man grunts again and Tony grabs his bag, stalks from the room. 
    To be honest, I didn’t expect this level of derision from Thad. But I’m a professional, and at times like these an actress has to th ink fast, work with what her costar gives her in order to save the show. 
    I move toward the bar, place my empty flute and the napkin upon it.  Then I add a bit of whiskey to a tumbler and take up a post on the coffee table directly in front of the sulking man.  We’re silent a while, Thad glaring at me and slowly sipping his elixir, me staring right back. 
    Showdown at the Doxy Corral. 
    The water starts in the bathroom. 
    Whiskey still in my grip, I lean back a little onto my hands before crossing one leg over the other at the knee.  It draws a mote of interest by two blue eyes, both of which quickly darken again with aversion.
    “You’ve made it crystal clear you don’t like me, Thad, but let me remind you, you love Tony.”
    “Where in the hell do you get off…?  Tellin’ me about…” He goes into the makings of a soliloquy, more impressed with the sound of his voice than actually speaking to me, and I roll my eyes in a gentle arc, tired of his macho bullshit. You might catch more flies w ith honey, but vinegar stuns them. “…don’t know a damn thing—”
    “Listen,” I interject, voice devoid of its usual sugar.  “What I know is you’re afraid of losing your bi lover to some woman, and it’s a valid concern.  But I guarantee, the harder you try to hang on to him with jealousy, the faster you’ll lose him.”
    He snorts.  “If this don’t beat all.  Relationship advice from a woman who fucks fer a livin’.  Does it cost extra?”
    “How’s th e view from that glass house, hm?  I imagine sweeping vistas…rolling hills....”  He has no retort.  “I’ve made mine of concrete, Thad.  Takes bigger stones to bring it down.”  Certain he understands my meaning, I continue. “Here’s what you need to know about me.  I only do things ad libitum —do you know what that means?  Ad libitum ?”
    The pop quiz annoys him.  “I know what ad libbin’ is.  I’m not an idiot.”
    I blink.  “No, I mean the literal translation.  It’s Latin for ‘in accordance with desire’.” I pause a beat, let that sink in.  “See, I have no desire to steal Tony from you, although with the way you’re behaving it wouldn’t be hard.  Nor do I have any desire to take you from him—trust and believe I’m bad enough to do it.  So, while I should just walk out that door, we’re going through with this experience tonight.”
    “Need the money?”
    I shake my head.  “Never have.”
    “Sure ya do.  It’s why women like you do this kind’a thing, ain’t it? Cash under the table.”
    He delves into his pocket, flings a thick wad of bills to the floor.  “Well, there ya go.  Two hours’ payment, like we agreed.  All the money a filthy little bitch like you earned for the night.  Even tossed ya a tip.”
    My eyes don’t stray from his face. 
    He grits his teeth, a muscle jumps in his jaw.  “Go on. Take it.  It’s why yer here, ain’t it?”
    “You misunderstand my dedication…” I respond on a sigh.
    “Dedication? Tuh what, bein’ a whore?”
    “And my purpose,” I return calmly.  “As with all of my clients, I am an enhancement to pleasure—in this case, Tony’s pleasure.  My commitment to that is paramount, as should be yours.”

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