Pointe of No Return: Giving You All I Got
larger scale, Papa still somewhat hustled the block. No one understood why and they dared not question him, but Papa only had one time to fuck up or make shit hot by bringing attention to the Underworld and they were telling him either the hood or the Underworld. He couldn’t serve both.
    Papa scarfed down his food down and sipped water from a plastic bottle.  “You well rested?” he asked Demi. She nodded her head. “Good, take your clothes off,” he commanded.
    Demi eyed him nervously and tried to process what he had just told her.  Papa got in her personal space and removed the pajama shirt she wore, but Demi didn’t dare protest. Half of her wanted him to take control over her body, but the other half of her was seeing her mother shaking her head and wagging her finger, telling her she was making the biggest mistake of her life.
    “Papa,” she said, her voice trembling. 
    He ignored Demi and bent down to remove her pajama pants and socks from her feet. Papa reached up and removed his own shirt and jeans. He allowed them to drop and he climbed out of the clothing and stood before her in Polo boxers. He ran his hands down her frame slowly, awaking emotions and hormones she never knew she had.
    Demi stared at him, wanting to see a warning sign in his pupils but there weren’t any. Could this encounter have a happy ending, perhaps a fairytale?  Was it even possible for him to not play her? Demi believed in love, it was evident in the stories she read to pass time throughout the summer days.
    “Come on,” he told her, grabbing her hand and guiding her up the stairs.  Demi’s young body was cold from the temperature in the loft, her nipples hardened and the hairs on her neck stood up.
    “Papa”, she said his name again, wanting some instructions or an outline of what was about to happen or what could happen. Demi needed a layout, a blueprint of some sort. Once they made it to his bedroom, Papa turned the lights off and lit a blunt.
    Because the streetlights from the outside shone in, Demi could see him, but not as much as she wanted to. This was her first time getting a good look at his body and “covered” was an understatement for the amount of ink he had. More like smothered in tattoos; they were everywhere, his back, legs, hips, arms and stomach.
    Demi wondered how someone could stand so much pain, but she knew Papa was a warrior of some sort.
    “Lay with me, Demi,” Papa said, after he got comfortable in the bed.
    Demi slightly laid her body on top of his, crossing her leg over his and curling close. 
    Papa smoked his blunt as he reflected over his day. Although Demi was there with him she wasn’t on his mind. Papa had received enough pussy in his life to not feel the need to swoon over having a beauty in his bed. It did nothing to him. Sex was sex in his opinion, which is why he wasn’t pressed to devour her body. He wanted his uncle to move from the hood, but he knew he wouldn’t. Papa was about to set some shit up and he didn’t want him in the crossfire.
    Demi ran her hands up and down his tight and defined stomach, which caused Papa to snap out of his thoughts.
    “What you thinking about?” she asked him, sounding genuinely concerned.
    “How you know I’m thinking about something?”
    “I’m learning you, Papa,” she told him.
    “You think you’re learning me,” he told her. Demi had so much to learn about him, but in due time, in due time….
    “I can’t believe we’re lying in bed naked,” she told him in a schoolgirl voice. Oh so quickly, did she seem to always remind him of her age.
    “You talked to your parents?” he asked.
    Demi ignored him. “Can we go get breakfast in the morning?”
    “Yeah that’s cool, so you staying over?” he asked.
    Demi told him yes, then laid her head back down on his chest and her hands resumed roaming all over his body.
    “Whoa,” he said once her hands somehow slipped in between his boxers.
    Demi didn’t know what she was doing, but

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