Pointe of No Return: Giving You All I Got
back to the crib. The time was 2:00 in the morning and Demi texted him a few hours ago saying she missed him. He responded with an, “On the way”, knowing he wasn’t nowhere near the crib.
    Papa had been running the streets all day, so he was looking forward to kicking back with his girl, well his boo, young Demi.
    “Rob, what it do?” one of the younger barbers spoke to Papa.
    He hated when niggas that didn’t know him called him by his government. The only person who called him Rob was his Uncle Andre. Papa ignored him and went to his uncle’s station.
    “What you doing out this late?” he asked his uncle.
    The Barbershop never closed. At any given time of the day you could pull up to the shop and get your hair cut and chime in on very interesting conversation.
    The Barbershop was a cornerstone in the hood and had been in their family for many years. It was his uncle’s prize possession and where he spent the majority of his time and bagged tons of women.  Andre loved the single women who would come in with their nappy-headed boys. Those were his favorite to take out and show a good time.
    “Still talking shit, I’m about to go home in a minute,” Andre told his nephew.
    Papa wasn’t worried about his uncle’s safety. Andre could hold his own, but still he rather him be home at 2:00 in the morning and not at the shop hanging out.
    “Today was long and rough.” Papa stretched his legs in the seat facing his uncle’s station.
    “It’s all in your eyes young buck,” Andre told Papa.
    “I’m probably gone’ be in all day tomorrow. These late nights catching up to a pretty nigga.” Papa turned around and looked at his appearance.
    Andre shook his head. His nephew was so stuck on himself. He was sure that if Papa never found love he wouldn’t be surprised because he loved himself enough.
    “Don’t forget I’m going to see your grandma next weekend,” Andre reminded Papa. 
    “I’ma go with you, just call me,” he told him.
    Andre acted as if he didn’t see Papa every day, but he knew his uncle was getting old so he didn’t say anything.
    “I ain’t want nothing, just stopping by because I saw your truck. I’m about to head to the crib,” Papa told his uncle.
    “You must have company?” Andre asked.
    Papa smiled. “Hell yeah. But it ain’t like that, we just chilling.”
    “The same lil young girl from last time?” Andre questioned.
    “Yeah her.” Papa nodded his head.
    “You be careful and don’t catch your ass no case!”
    Papa ignored him. “It ain’t nothing like that, Unc. She’s eighteen.”
    “Barely!” Andre laughed. Papa ignored his uncle’s jokes only because he was the only one that could crack jokes on Demi’s age.
    Papa said, “Catch you tomorrow, be safe.”
    Andre told him the same and Papa walked out of the shop and hopped in his truck and headed to Demi.
    When he entered his loft, Demi came towards the steps to make sure if it was him.
    “PAPA?” she called out.
    “If it wasn’t me, you would have been shot by now,” Papa scolded.
    He would have to give Demi the rundown on how shit went, but it wouldn’t be tonight because he was too tired to be preaching and teaching.
    “Come here boo,” his tone softened.
    Demi came down the stairs and joined Papa in the kitchen where he was fucking the Benihana’s up.
    “You didn’t want to reheat that?” she asked.
    Papa mumbled, “I’m high”, which meant it didn’t matter anyway.
    “How was your day?” Demi asked Papa.
    ‘Same shit.” He hated talking about his life with Demi; she was his escape from the streets.
    Papa’s life had changed since joining The Underworld, but the difference between him and the men he considered brothers was that he genuinely loved the hood. Polo and the others had warned him about not elevating with everyone else, but Papa loved the streets, it was a part of him and that would never change.
    While the other men such as Nasir, Malachi, Sean, and Roderick profited on a

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