Sari Robins - [Andersen Hall Orphanage 01]

Free Sari Robins - [Andersen Hall Orphanage 01] by One Wicked Night

Book: Sari Robins - [Andersen Hall Orphanage 01] by One Wicked Night Read Free Book Online
Authors: One Wicked Night
Arthur Wellesley? Despite himself, Nick was impressed. Marcus might have been a selfish bastard, but he was quick on his feet and sharp with a blade. Apparently he had made good use of his skills on the Peninsula.
    Winner waved a nonchalant hand. “What we need is to find someone to publicly express support for the institution. Someone with great influence in Society….”
    Nick studied his beer, trying to keep the astonishment from his face. Could Winner possibly know about his new client? No one knew besides… Dunn.
    Winner shifted on his stool, seemingly agitated. “So how is the enquiry business doing, anyway?”
    “Fine.” Nick drank, reluctant to share the news. It was still too fresh, too startling…and it was all the more bittersweet because Dunn had set it up, still trying to help Nick succeed even from the great beyond.
    The doctor started tapping his boot heel into the leg of his stool.
    Nick refrained from shaking his head at Winner’s nosiness. Typical Winner. Dunn had always said that he was as curious as a cat.
    “No happenings you would like to share with an old friend?” Winner lured.
    Nick allowed himself an inner smile, knowing that Winner was right. What was the use of good tidings if you did not share them? Still, he had tomake the fine doctor suffer a bit. Dunn would have insisted. “Ask Mabel. She seems to know everything.”
    The tapping increased. “I am asking you.”
    “Oh yes, there is something.”
    Winner’s boot stilled.
    “I had new business cards printed. Want to see one?”
    The man scowled. “Tarnation, Nick. Stop being coy. Did it come through or not?”
    Nick let the good doctor wait another moment, before nodding. “Dunn came through.”
    “Damn,” Winner breathed, slapping the bar. “The queen of England herself.” He grinned. “If Dunn were here, he’d be buying us all a round!”
    “Yes, he would. He would also be begging me for details. It’s not every day that a misbegotten orphan gets to meet the queen of England.”
    “You met the queen of England?” Winner shrieked. “Queen Charlotte?”
    “Is there another?”
    The man actually hooted.
    Nick smiled. “I am glad that I have finally impressed you, sir.”
    “No, laddie.” Winner slapped him on the back. “You impressed me the first day that I met you, drippy-nosed stripling that you were. I just never mentioned it. So, what’s she like?”
    “Who?” Nick teased.
    “Devil take you! Queen Charlotte!”
    “Well,” Nick began slowly. “She was nothing like what I had expected. I mean, she was regal, like any queen, I suppose. But she was not like the renderings that I have seen.”
    “More inspiring?”
    “Undersized?” Winner asked, his gaze horrorstruck.
    “No, just not as tall as in her portraits. I suppose they must put her on a pedestal when they paint those things.”
    “Is she as plain as they say?”
    “She has too much intensity to be plain. Her eyes seemed all-knowing. As if she could see through to your birth and know every skeleton in your cupboard.”
    “Upon my honor,” Winner breathed, his eyes wide with wonder. “Glad it was you and not me standing before her. I would have been in shark’s waters for sure. So what are you required to do for her?”
    “Investigate anything that might crop up.”
    “You mean, you might not actually have to do anything?”
    “Actually, no.”
    “But you did get paid?”
    “A sizable retainer fee.” Nick patted his coat pocket. “After Mabel’s wages, there will be a nice donation for the orphanage.”
    Winner’s cheeks reddened and his eyes flashed with excitement. “This is a grand opportunity, Nick. Fortuitous. Just when we need a person of influence—”
    “I believe in Andersen Hall as much as you do, Doctor,” Nick interrupted. “The children need it to remain a safe haven where they can learn a trade and succeed. But I can hardly ask the queen of England for favors.”
    “Well,” Winner wagged a finger,

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