Immortal's Eden

Free Immortal's Eden by Lori Perry

Book: Immortal's Eden by Lori Perry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Perry
side on the flight, if you don't, I'll make sure her seat is on the opposite end of the plane." Smiling she waved over an armed security guard and explained the situation. With a nod, the guard took Orlando by the arm leading him toward the terminal holding room. Shaking off the guard Orlando stood in front of Cassie.
    "Rhamah, stay with Danielle, she'll keep you safe. I'll be right behind you." With a wink, he allowed the guard to take him by the arm and lead him away.
    "Your boyfriend has a lot of guts ya know."
    "He's amazing." She breathed, and then followed Danielle to a waiting taxi. The bounty placed on Orlando would set her up for a long time and she wasn't about to screw it up.
    "Take us to the closest hotel." She ordered the driver.
    "What about Orlando?" Cassie demanded with a frown.
    "He's fine. Now tell me what the hell is going on with him and Michael." She turned and looked at her intently. They sat for a long time in silence and her mood slowly soured to anger. When she was sure Cassie would continue to ignore her, she finally spoke.
    "Michael is looking for the love of his life and Orlando knows where she is. In exchange for his help with getting us somewhere we need to be, Orlando is going to tell him where she is." Biting her lip she looked out the window. "Orlando would be disappointed if he knew that I told you."
    "And where is he keeping this love of Michael's life ?" With possibly another victim in the Orlando and Michael caper, Danielle needed to coax the information from Cassie, quickly.
    "He doesn't have her." She paused as if considering her next words very carefully. "It's you." Danielle tried to suppress a giggle. This was by far the strangest case she'd ever taken.
    "Me? I'm the love of Michael's life?" She shook her head in annoyance."Funny, he didn’t mention that to me." Shifting her body on the bumpy seat, she crossed her arms and kept quiet until they pulled into the round drive in front of their hotel. It was close to the airport and a secure place to make calls confirming she had the mark and the girl while keeping the two apart.
    Once she was certain Cassie was settled in their hotel room, Danielle went to the front desk to request security on their floor. She wasn't about to take any chances. This job was draining her more than any of the others ever had. Maybe due to the fact she’d actually allowed a man to get close to her; even for a second. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
    "Well hello there beautiful." The thick Scottish accent filled her ears as hot breath fluttered the hair at her cheek.
    "Excuse me, a little close aren't we?" His fingers wrapped around her arm with a gentle authority and when she began to protest something sharp jabbed into her ribs as he shushed her.
    "Not close enough actually." The tang of metal on his breath had her confused. "My new wife here likes to role play." He winked at the front desk clerk. "Tonight it's cops and robbers. Isn't that right love?" Danielle was preparing to body-slam ole Scotty-boy when she caught sight of the hypodermic in his hand. A stiletto between the ribs was easy, but she couldn't be certain what a prick from that needle would do. She couldn't risk being drugged or infected; it bit deeper into her side, nearly piercing her skin and Danielle was forced to nod in agreement. Orlando must have goons working for him everywhere . As the stranger led her outside, she tried to reach her cell phone with her free hand but it was tucked in the bottom of her pocket. What good would it do anyway? Excuse me kidnapper, mind if I make a quick phone call? Yea, likely.
    "Where are we going dear?" Being sarcastic was probably a very stupid thing to do since she had no idea what he was prepared to poke in her side.
    "You'll see sweetheart. Now shut up and get in." A black jeep with midnight tint squealed up, stopping inches from her. As she was thrown into the back seat, she noticed a man standing at the corner of the drive watching from the shadows. There

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