One Week with her (Ex) Stepbrother (Eden Manor #2)

Free One Week with her (Ex) Stepbrother (Eden Manor #2) by Noelle Adams

Book: One Week with her (Ex) Stepbrother (Eden Manor #2) by Noelle Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Noelle Adams
wanted you for too long to be satisfied with one time.”
words were fond, almost laughing, and they sounded just like him. But for some
reason they made her stomach drop.
if he really was just attracted to her? What if he really just wanted to be
satisfied physically? He still hadn’t said anything that implied anything else.
was foolish to assume—or even hope—that sleeping with a guy one time would mean
anything for the future. She knew better. Just because this was Zach didn’t
mean that all the rules of men and women just flew out the window.
time didn’t promise anything.
was so terrified by the prospect that she tried to backpedal on her feelings.
In a futile attempt to make herself feel casual about their night together, she
said in a light, slightly fake voice, “Maybe I’ll even get more than one
weekend then.”
was a long pause, making her wonder if she hadn’t hid her feelings well enough.
But, before she could try to fix it, Zach asked slowly, “What do you mean?”
She forced herself to smile at him, hoping it looked natural. “I was just
teasing. Girls usually just get one weekend with you, so I was joking about
maybe getting two.”
changed in his manner, something she couldn’t put her finger on. He grew
strangely still, and there was another moment of silence before he gave a huff
of laughter. “Oh. Yeah. Definitely two.”
been stupid. She knew it. She hadn’t hid her feelings well enough. And now he
was getting spooked.
could feel him retreating internally, even though his arms were still wrapped
around her.
must know what she’d wanted. He must know what she’d hoped this would be. He
wouldn’t want to hurt her. He’d always had a kind heart. He’d want to break it
to her gently. He was trying to figure out how to do that.
lay in silence for a few minutes, but it didn’t feel comfortable and relaxed
anymore. It felt tense. Like something was definitely wrong.
blown it.
been right from the beginning.
never, ever should have done this. Now one of the people she loved most in the
world would be lost to her.
better get going,” Zach said at last, sitting up and then pushing himself off
the couch with a stifled wince. “It’s really late. Your dad gets in early.”
didn’t get in at two o’clock in the morning, and that was the time right now.
But Zach obviously wanted to leave, and he wouldn’t want to just walk out on
would think that was rude, ungentlemanly.
Missy smiled as she stood up too, straightening her clothes. She felt messy.
Embarrassed. Heartbroken.
late. I’ll drive you home,” he said softly.
fine. No reason to do that.” She smiled at him brightly. “I’m really fine,
locked up the shop and then walked out to their cars together. Zach stood very
close to her as she unlocked her door.
was watching her. Thinking. Worrying. He knew how she was feeling and didn’t
want her to get hurt.
managed a wobbly smile. “We messed things up between us, didn’t we?”
was breathing heavily. She could hear it, even though she couldn’t bring
herself to meet his eyes. “I…I think so.”
sighed, telling herself it was better to be honest about it. “I knew it wasn’t
a good idea.”
course, he was sorry. She was sorry too. “Well, we shouldn’t do it again, then.
Maybe after a while, we can get back to normal.”
she was about to cry, knowing that she was about to lose one of the most
important parts of her world, knowing it would never be the same. “I love you,
you know.”
know. I love you too.”
we won’t do this again. We’ll try to get things back to how they were.”
you think is best.”
wasn’t what she thought was best. She thought this was horrible. But she

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