Lock and Load (SEAL EXtreme Team)

Free Lock and Load (SEAL EXtreme Team) by Kimberley Troutte

Book: Lock and Load (SEAL EXtreme Team) by Kimberley Troutte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Troutte
fought as hard as she could to pull her arms free. Her wrists burned like fire.
    The door opened and four dripping men stepped inside. They wore wet suits and were fully armed. More military guys like Stocky from the Ho King Shopping Centre? The triad would’ve shot her kneecaps, but these men scared her more. She’d seen enough military shows to know they used truth serum. She wouldn’t want to, but they might force her to tell where she’d hid the card.
    “Stay away from me!” She yelled. “I don’t have it.”
    “Quiet down, lady,” the first guy said. He had piercing blue eyes and wore a take-no-shit expression. “We’re getting you out of here. Willy, you and Charlie guard the door.”
    “Like hell you are! I told you. I don’t have it and I’m not telling you were it is. Touch me and I’ll scream," Amber screeched.
    The man rolled his blue eyes. “We don’t have time for this. Tavon get her and let’s go.”
    Tavon was the biggest man she'd ever seen. “Copy that, Mack.”
    Amber opened her mouth and Tavon clapped his massive hand over it. “Listen, lady. We can do this the hard way. I’ll make you pass out. Not kill you, but you’ll have the worst headache of your life when you wake up. Do you want that?”
    She shook her head slowly.
    “Right choice.” He removed his hand from her mouth and cut the ropes with his knife. “Are you walking out of here, or am I carrying you?”
    She stood up, but her legs gave out from stress and being bound for so long.
    “Fine.” Tavon scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder. “Carrying you it is.”
    Mack whispered, “Move out.”
    The two guys by the door—Charlie and Willy?—went first to make sure the coast was clear. They lead her along the edge of the yacht toward the railing. Gunshots rang out.
    “Behind me!” Tavon put her down and shielded her with his massive frame. When Tavon lifted his weapon, she was able to peek through a crack between his elbow and side.
    The shooter was on the top deck. “Let her go!” He yelled in Mandarin. “Or I’ll—”
    Charlie—or was it Willy?—put a bullet between the man’s eyes before he could finish the sentence. Terrified, she huddled behind Tavon and waited for the next set of gunshots. The 14K was a group of organized arms dealers, for heaven’s sake! She’d never get off the yacht alive.
    “Okay, let’s roll,” Mack ordered and they were on the move again.
    Apparently, he wasn’t worried about a 14K ambush. And then she saw why. The triad had abandoned the sinking ship. They were jetting around it in lifeboats, pointing and yelling at each other. Tavon all but dragged her to the other side of the yacht. The other guys were putting their masks on.
    Diving gear? “Wait. Where’s your boat?” she asked.
    Mack had his breathing thing in his mouth so he pointed to a wooden Chinese junk out in the water.
    Um, no. That couldn’t be their boat. If the U.S. military had come to rescue her, wouldn’t they arrive in a Navy ship, or at least a speed boat? A junk ? How stupid did they think she was?  Her previous suspicions were correct about these guys. No way in hell she’d go with them. She’d take her chances with the sinking ship.
    One of the guys tapped his communications thingy by his ear. “We’ve got to move. I’m picking up chatter. Triad spotted us.”
    “Everyone in the water,” Mack said.
    Willy put a life vest over her head, cinching it tight around her waist. “There you go.” His hands remained on the vest too long, and too high. Her breasts were underneath all the bright orange fabric. “Safe and sound.”
    “Bite me.” Amber crossed her arms. “I’m not jumping.”
    Willy’s eyebrows hitched up. “Maybe later, sunshine. For now we all jump.”
    Mack spit the breathing device out. “We’ll dive until it’s safe. Charlie, give her your rebreather once we’re in the water.”
    “Sure, Mack, but we need to go now,” Charlie, the communications guy

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