CREAM (On the Hunt)

Free CREAM (On the Hunt) by Zenobia Renquist

Book: CREAM (On the Hunt) by Zenobia Renquist Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zenobia Renquist
Tags: Erótica
scooping motion that seated his hard length inside her to the base. Jeliyah keened low in her throat and squirmed beneath him at how right he felt.
    “No one knows what you’ve done but me. It’s going to stay that way so I can take full advantage of the situation. Agreed?” He punctuated his question by grinding against her, stirring her inside.
    Jeliyah nodded quickly as she looped her legs around his back.
    “Good. That’s settled.” Teaghan’s thoughts shifted from the babbling brook to a raging waterfall that beat the rocks on the shore below. He shifted back and then returned, sliding in and out of her. Each thrust was faster than the last until Teaghan pounded into her with the force the waterfall he showed her.
    She barely registered the feel of his fangs as he bit her neck and fed. He didn’t take more than a few sips before kissing his way down to one of her breasts.
    He circled her nipple with the tip of his tongue. “Love your breasts.” He released her wrists and then cupped the twin mounds and wiggled his fingers, making her breasts jiggle. That got a pleased laugh from him as he watched. Jeliyah couldn’t help joining him since it did feel a little funny.
    Before he could go back to toying her breasts with his tongue, if that was his plan, Jeliyah grabbed his gold chains and yanked them off. He didn’t stop her. She tossed them aside. “Better.”
    “I’d rather have you around my neck anyway.” He reared back and then positioned her legs so they hung over his shoulders. Holding her steady as he leaned forward once more, he continued treating her pussy to the full length of his dick in quick, even strokes. “Flexible. I like that.”
    Jeliyah had no answer to give since she was too busy moaning loud enough to have their neighbor banging on the wall again. She crossed her ankles behind Teaghan’s neck since the position didn’t allow her to hug him.
    He felt so right and filled every part of her, but she wanted more. So much more. She hadn’t felt anything this good in years. Many long years, so the second orgasm creeping over her so soon after the first didn’t surprise her in the least. She tried to hold it back, to hold out so she could enjoy Teaghan more.
    The man didn’t make it easy. He stuffed his dick deep and stirred his hips against hers so his tip teased her core and triggered her release. She bucked beneath him, calling his name.
    Teaghan grinned and resumed thrusting, riding her through the orgasm. “We’re not done yet, necromancer. Not by a long shot.” He paused so he could flip her onto her stomach and pull her to her knees.
    The man had skills, since he did all that without his dick leaving her pussy. With one hand palming one of her breasts and the other rubbing her clit, he resumed pounding into her.
    Jeliyah balled the bedding in her fists but that didn’t help anchor her to reality. Teaghan swept her along at his pace as he’d been doing since she met him. Her body craved his attention and she cried out, “Please. Oh please.”
    “Right here, Jeliyah. All you could want. Just tell me how much.” Teaghan rolled her clit between two fingers.
    Her arms collapsed beneath her. She whimpered, unsure if it was a sound meant to tell him to stop or give her more. Nothing made since except the pleasure.
    Fine shivers shook her and her muscles tensed as another orgasm grabbed hold of her. This one froze her movements, leaving her only the ability to shudder and pant.
    Teaghan grunted and braced his hands on her waist as he came with her, spilling himself in her depths. He pulled free once he was spent. “Damn good.”
    Jeliyah sagged onto the bed with her face buried in the sheets to cover her shame. It didn’t help. The afterglow didn’t cover up everything she’d done wrong—sharing blood, an open invitation and sex with a vampire. How had her life gone so totally out of control in such a short amount of time?
    Of her three transgressions, sharing blood was the

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