Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2)

Free Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2) by Leslie North

Book: Greek Billionaire's Forbidden Lover (The Rosso Family Series Book 2) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
her fingers around him.
    “Alexandra,” he said on a groan. He skimmed his hands down her back and over her ass.  She pulled harder at him and he pushed into her fist, pushed up against her belly. She wanted him inside her—wanted him closer.
    Dareios dipped his head and kissed her. This time the kiss went out of control. He ravaged her mouth. He moved his lips lower, sucking at her collarbone. He pressed his hardness against her again. She gave a moan this time. She was wet—and aching. He came in a hot spurt into her hand, his body shaking, his back arched. She watched his eyes close and his face relax. Her mouth dried.
    When he opened his eyes, he stared at her, and then pulled back. He zipped up and turned away from her. And Alexandra was left standing there, need filling her, wondering what she had done wrong. Or what hadn’t she done?

Chapter Nineteen
    “Dareios, is everything okay?” Alexandra asked.
    They’d had dinner and the table had been cleared. Dareios had been more like her brother again—polite, distant, and cold. What happened to the fling? Was that it? She cursed her own lack of experience. She didn’t know.
    After she’d touched him on the deck, he’d turned away. The crew would be back soon, and she’d gone to her cabin. She didn’t know what else to do. She didn’t want to swim, couldn’t really sunbathe not with the marks he had left on her. She showered and changed into a loose, white sundress, and she left off her bra and panties. She brushed out her hair and tried to be interested in a book. But she kept thinking about Dareios.
    Was this what a fling was? Brief sexual encounters and then you went off, back to your own life. She was starting to think this was not what she wanted from Dareios. All this had done was to leave her hungry for more.
    And now dinner had been cleared. They’d had kakkavi , a lovely fish chowder and fresh fish in a wine sauce with rice and a plate of tiropita and honey walnut cake for dessert. The crew seemed in a good mood, but Alexandra still felt restless and unsettled.
    Dareios told the crew they would not be needed for the rest of the night. He turned to face her, toying with his wine glass with one hand. “What is it you want, Alexandra? Tell me so there’s no misunderstanding here.”
    “I want you.” She met his stare and swallowed. “For as long as you’ll have me.” Was that true? She wasn’t sure any more.
    He lifted one eyebrow. “You sound as if you can’t foresee a point in time where you would not want me. That would make this a very long fling.”
    She shook her head.  “I’m not going to pretend to understand how things are going to work out for us. But I do know that if you don’t finish what you started with me, I’m going to become very hard to deal with.”
    He smiled. “You sound like you used to when you were little. I remember when Antonio didn’t give in to your demands, you became a pest. Didn’t you once hold it over him that you would tell your father that Antonio had dug up the rose bushes in your garden, hoping to find treasures and antiquities? He replanted them, but they looked terrible. I seem to remember your gardener having a fit.”
    She put her hands flat on the table. “I’m sexually frustrated and really not in the mood to play nice.”
    Dareios stood. He held out his hand. She took it and followed him down to his cabin. But she couldn’t wait. In the narrow corridor, she pulled him back to her. She kissed him the way he had kissed her—taking possession of his mouth. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. His eyes seemed huge and dark. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her with him to his cabin.
    Moonlight came in through the windows of the main stateroom. She could just make out that the room was decorated in warm, earth colors. Bronze and tans and golds. A huge bed dominated the room. Dareios pulled her down on the bed with him.
    She swung a leg over him and sat with her knees on either

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