Class Reunion

Free Class Reunion by Linda Hill

Book: Class Reunion by Linda Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Hill
    Sally’s eyes narrowed at her younger sister, but Heather seemed not to notice.
    “Yes, I’m single.” She smiled as she reached out and touched the ring finger of Jen’s left hand. “What about you?”
    “Single. Very single,” she smiled broadly, exposing perfect white teeth. The two women held each other’s gaze a moment longer than necessary while Sally raised one fine eyebrow in amazement. Jennifer felt a faint tickling sensation in the pit of her stomach, and she quietly chided herself and the attraction she was feeling.
    “Forgive me,” Sally was saying. “But I don’t know how you do it. I can’t even imagine being a single parent.”
    “It’s difficult,” Heather admitted. “But I teach at the grade school that Amy goes to, so that makes it easier. It was much worse before she started school.”
    All three tired children joined them. Each girl crawled into her mother’s lap, and Jennifer lifted Tommy in her arms.
    “Do you still live in the area?” Sally asked.
    “No. We live in Flagstaff now.”
    “Flagstaff?” Jennifer interrupted. “Really? I live in Phoenix.”
    Heather’s jaw dropped. “No kidding?”
    “Just north of Scottsdale, actually. I have a small ranch there.”
    “Really? I can’t believe you’re so close.” The blue eyes that held Jennifer’s were suddenly wide and childlike.
    “Do you have any animals?” Amy’s eyes resembled her mother’s as they turned to Jennifer.
    “A few,” she nodded. “Cats. Dogs. Horses.”
    “Ooh! Mommy, I want to ride the horses. Can I?”
    “Amy,” her mother admonished. “That’s not very polite.”
    “Would you like to?” Embarrassed, Jen knew she sounded too eager. “Maybe you two could come down some weekend. It’s really not that far.”
    “I think we’d like that. Don’t let me forget to give you my phone number.”
    “I’d like to go too.” Allison’s voice was a quiet whisper.
    Jen regarded her niece closely, her heart hopeful. “You can visit any time you like, Allison. I’d love for you to see Arizona. It’s beautiful there.”
    Allison turned to look up at her mother. “Can we, Mommy?”
    “Yes, Allison. We will.”
    “I promise.” Sally hugged her daughter tightly and dropped a kiss on the top of her head while her eyes met Jennifer’s with quiet triumph. After a moment, Sally turned her attention back to Heather. “What do you think of the reunion so far?”
    Heather considered the question thoughtfully. “I’m reserving judgment until the weekend’s over,” her tone wasn’t encouraging.
    Jennifer threw her sister an I-told-you-so stare. “See? I’m not the only one who has misgivings about being here.”
    “I can’t believe you guys.” Sally raised an indigŹnant chin. “I had a wonderful time at my reunion.” She proceeded to recount one highlight after another with much enthusiasm, then concluded by saying, “It was a fabulous weekend. I can’t wait for the next one.” Then she grinned naughtily. “Do you remember David Simmons?”
    Jennifer searched her memory until the face that matched the name came to mind. “Tall and gangly? Black hair with freckles.”
    Sally nodded. “I had the biggest crush on him all through high school. He was at the reunion and he actually came over to me and told me that he’d had a crush on me back in school. Can you believe it?”
    “That is so sweet,” Heather smiled.
    “What made him tell you?”
    “He said that he’d always wanted to tell me and that he knew he’d kick himself for another ten years if he didn’t get up the courage that night.”
    Jennifer began to tease her sister, watching Sally blush as she talked about David. They spent the better part of an hour talking, continuing their conŹversation about reunions before moving on to the topic of kids and parenthood. Heather and Sally slipped into an easy conversation, sharing secrets and lamenting how quickly the kids were growing.

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