Entangled Love

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Book: Entangled Love by Jessica Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gray
tomorrow he and several others would have to work thru the night. “David, all I can do it try. There’s still a lot to put together and you’re asking me to get these people to pull an all-nighter. I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’ll do everything I can on this side. Worst-case scenario is we have to let the investors know that we’re still working out some of the details. Hopefully what we have together will be enough to convince them to jump on board.”
    “Let’s hope you and DFJ’s people can pull it all together before morning.  I’ll talk to you first thing tomorrow. Good luck!”
    Disconnecting the call, Michael muttered, “Yeah, I’m gonna need it.”
    “What are you gonna need?” asked Victor as he entered the conference room which had been turned into project central and Michael’s office.
    Putting his phone down, he looked at Victor and gave him the bad new, “That was David. The investor’s have moved the meeting up to tomorrow.”
    “What?! That’s impossible, we’re not ready.”
    “I know. But David said that the main investor is leaving the country the day after tomorrow for his daughter’s wedding and it’s either now, or we’ll be out another month.”
    Victor sat down as the news sank in. Another month? The project couldn’t handle a month-long delay. Looking back at Michael, “So, what do we do?”
    “It looks like we pull an all-nighter an get as much done as we can. Hopefully it’ll be enough. Do you want to tell your people the good news?”
    Victor shook his head, “Sure, leave me to do the dirty work. Yeah, let me get everyone in here. Have you told Evelyn yet?”
    “No, I just got off the phone with David. You’re the first person I’ve seen to tell.”
    “Why don’t you go tell her, and I’ll spread the news to the others?” Victor watched as a look of horror crossed Michael’s face at the thought of having to talk to Evelyn by himself. Laughing out loud, he let him off the hook, “Wipe that look off your face. She’s not going to pull a gun on you and shoot the messenger. I’ll stop by her office on my way downstairs.  Why don’t you put together a list of what stills needs to be done and we’ll assign tasks. Meet me downstairs in 10?”
    Michael was so relieved, he immediately agreed, “10 minutes it is.”
    Victor headed towards Evelyn’s office, stopping by Mandy’s reception desk on his way. “Hey Mandy, there’s been a new development and it looks like we’re going to be pulling an all-nighter. Would you run over to the deli across the street and have them put together a lunch scenario. Everyone’s eating in today, and have them deliver it in about an hour. Lots of chips and drinks.  I’ll figure out what we’re doing for dinner in a bit, but at least lunch will be handled.”
    Mandy grabbed her jacket, “Sure Victor.  Why don’t you let me handle dinner when I get back? My cousin is the manager over at Il Bistro, the new Italian place. They deliver and if I called them this morning, I bet they could put together some sort of buffet scenario.”
    Victor gave Mandy a one armed hug as he told her, “That sounds perfect.” Looking down into her face, he saw the spark enter her eyes and just barely resisted the urge to find out if her lips felt as soft as they looked. Seeing his attraction mirrored on her face, he told her, “Once these bumps in this project are smoothed out, I want to take you out.”
    “Like, on a real date?” Mandy licked her suddenly dry lips, and watched his eyes rack her movements. She had been attracted to Victor from the moment she had walked into the office, but had patiently been waiting on him to make the first move. They had bantered back and forth, and lately he had taken to touching her whenever possible. She didn’t mind, and was coming to crave his little touches. They made her feel special. Now he had finally asked her out, but she

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