Entangled Love

Free Entangled Love by Jessica Gray

Book: Entangled Love by Jessica Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gray
last thing I need right now is to relive it. Just let it go. I’m only here another week and then we can all go back to living our lives.”
    “Michael, you really need to let her explain things. She needs the opportunity to explain things. If after that you two can’t work things out, then so be it. But Evelyn needs to find some closure on that day, one way or another.”
    “Victor, I know you mean well. And I’m glad that Evelyn still has your friendship, but I really don’t see how rehashing that day is going to help anyone. I’m ready to call it a night. Give me a lift back to the hotel?”
    “No, I want you to hear me out. Evelyn made a mistake, but then she came to her senses and tried to fix it, the only problem is you ran away before she had that chance.”
    “I’m not following you here. How did she try to fix it? Was she going to introduce me to Harry, or whatever his name is, and hope that we could become best buddies?”
    Victor sighed, Michael could be hardheaded at times, “His name is Henry, and I don’t think she ever gave any thought to you and he becoming friends.”
    “Well, then what? How did she think she could fix the situation? I all but told her I loved her and she decided to marry someone else. I don’t see how that situation could possibly be fixed.”
    Victor smiled, it all made sense now, “Michael… she didn’t marry Henry. I was there when her father stormed into her house and demanded her compliance. She told him off and then immediately left to find you, but you had already left.”
    Michael wasn’t prepared for that news. All these years he had assumed she was married to Henry. Well, it didn’t make any difference. She had trampled on his feelings and had made it very clear that they had not been reciprocated. He wouldn’t make the same mistake of trusting her with his heart again.   “Well, I’m glad she finally stood up to her dad.”
    “That’s it. That’s all you have to say. What about the fact that she came looking for you?”
    Michael shrugged as if it didn’t matter, when it fact it mattered a lot. “She just wanted to make sure my friendship was still intact. If she had felt anything for me, she would have called her dad when I asked her to at my place. But she didn’t and that’s that.”
    Victor finished his beer and grabbed his jacket, “Just for the record, I think you’re making a huge mistake. You two have a chance to make things right, but you’re being stubborn and it’s going to end up hurting you both.”
    “You’re entitled to your opinion. I’m entitled to mine. Let’s go.” Michael turned and headed out of the bar.
    Victor followed, sorrow for his two friends eating at him. He had hoped to convince Michael to at least listen to Evelyn’s explanation, but had ended up just dredging up old memories. This evening had been a total failure.

Unexpected Happenings
    Two weeks later….
    “Michael, the investors want to move the meeting up to tomorrow. How close are you to having the entire package ready to go?”
    Michael sat back in his chair, “David, that’s three days early. Why the rush?” Michael moved the phone to his other ear and he started looking for his to-do list.
    “One of the main investors is leaving the country to attend his daughter’s wedding. The other investor’s won’t act without his input, and he leaves the day after tomorrow. It’s tomorrow, or we’ll have to wait another month at the earliest. You and I both know that a month-long wait can kill a project.”
    “Damn. Another month out for completion and we risk defaulting on our agreements with the tenants to provide commercial space by the end of August.”
    “I’m aware of that, that’s why I’m calling. Is it possible to get the package ready for presentation by tomorrow?”
    Michael found his list and quickly started putting time to actions, in order to finish by

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