Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3)

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Book: Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
call Micah, but it was early for him to be up. She knew he kept his phone on in case she needed to contact him. But that was for emergencies. She didn’t want to wake him now just to whine about being alone.
    If Gisele planned to overcome her challenges, she had to stay strong. Simpering and crying over her fate wouldn’t change it. Only wise strategy and brave actions would see her through the situation.
    With new resolve, Gisele went down to meet Alek for breakfast. The complex had several dining rooms, and he’d opted for one of the smaller ones. The room was striking, with natural wood floors, patina walls, and dark wood baseboards.
    The section of ceiling above the table was recessed and illuminated with a rose-colored light. A selection of fine art adorned the walls, and the room looked out onto Vegas. When Gisele entered, she walked over to the windows, wishing she was down on the city streets instead of confined above, and about to dine with her brother.
    It struck Gisele, and not for the first time, that she was pampered. Yet she hadn’t asked for any of it, and, oddly enough, didn’t need it. The idea of an apartment without opulence, servants, or a nonstop stream of guests was desirable. Instead of feeling deprivation at the prospect of scaling down, she felt only relief.
    She’d even have her own kitchen, with the opportunity to cook meals if she chose. It wasn’t that she had any complaint about the food she was served. On the contrary; it was fine cuisine prepared by a competent chef.
    Yet a diet of more pedestrian fare sounded pretty good, especially if she had prepared it herself. She could invite Micah over and make dinner for him. That thought warmed her. Then Alek entered the room, interrupting her private musings.
    Her brother looked as he often did when no guests dined with them. He wore a white polo shirt, his solid build filling it out. His long, dark hair, still partially wet from his shower, dusted his collar. Since Gisele was the only one in the room, he didn’t bother to smile, an effort he made only for guests.
    Even when Alek wasn’t particularly unhappy, he didn’t smile often. Gisele assumed he thought it showed weakness, or that he was imitating Yuri, a man who also rarely smiled. And when he did, it was usually due to another’s misfortune.
    “Good morning,” Gisele said, rattled by the look he gave her. Alek’s thick brows and piercing blue eyes weren’t friendly, but hadn’t been before, either. It was something else that she read in his expression that unnerved her.
    Alek nodded, then went to the buffet to pour coffee. It was probably best to allow him to have his first cup of the day before striking up a conversation. He could be like a bear awakened from hibernation, and Gisele didn’t want to spend her last day at home fighting with him.
    Her brother’s voice was a growl when he spoke, even though it was his stab at sociability. “Want some coffee?”
    Gisele shook her head and backed a couple of steps away from Alek. There was something in his demeanor that she didn’t like. It was more than his predictable rudeness. That she was used to, and could deal with.
    Momentary panic gripped Gisele, but she brushed it aside. This was only breakfast, a way for Alek to wish her well. But his body language was ominous, and she feared he had more to say to her than goodbye. She sat in a chair, more comfortable with the table between them, and sipped some water.
    Jazz played through the sound system, providing low background music. Yet the tranquility of the tune was in contrast with Alek’s blustering. He yanked out a chair opposite Gisele and plopped down.
    Feeling defensive, Gisele blurted out, “I found an apartment, and I am leaving.”
    Alek put down his cup and stared at her. Ignoring her proclamation, her brother said, “Yuri expected more.”
    Lifting her chin, Gisele parried the remark. “I don’t know what more he could have expected. I stayed until my birthday,

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