Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3)

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Book: Unbroken (Fighting for Gisele #3) by Emily Jane Trent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Jane Trent
just as I agreed. Although now that I think about it, I don’t know why I was so willing.”
    Alek’s eyes darkened. “I’m not referring to how long you stayed here.”
    It dawned on Gisele exactly what he was talking about, and a knot formed in her stomach. “You’ll have to be more specific,” she said, in a feeble attempt to put him off.
    Her brother didn’t react. He could be very cold when he chose to be, and now was one of those times. While Gisele waited, dreading his response, Alek took the silver dome off his plate and scraped his fork through the scrambled eggs.
    Gisele gripped her napkin in her fist, without appetite. She left her plate covered, doubting that she’d eat, not the way things were going. When Alek proceeded to butter his toast, Gisele rose. “I think I will take that coffee, after all.” She needed to move, have something to do, other than sit there and wait for the attack she knew was coming.
    At the buffet, Gisele poured coffee and added a liberal amount of cream. Taking her time, she returned to her seat. Two could play this game. If Alek was going to keep her on edge, then there was no reason for her to hurry and cooperate.
    After chewing a mouthful of eggs, Alek dabbed at his mouth then leaned back in his chair. His expression was harsh, and Gisele found it more annoying than frightening.
    “Spit out what’s on your mind,” Gisele said. “You’re ruining our breakfast together, so just get it over with. Maybe we can be cordial to one another on my last day here.”
    Alek smiled, but joy did not show in his eyes. “Yuri raised you, and ensured that you had every comfort.”
    Now Gisele was really ticked off. “Well, I didn’t ask for it.” She expelled a breath. “So…what…he wants me to pay him back, compensate him for the expense of taking care of me?”
    “That would be ridiculous,” Alek said sharply. “But he is disappointed in Andrew. Your father set up that trust for you so you could do well in life. The paltry amount he left won’t last long.”
    “Don’t insult my father,” Gisele said. “He did the best he could for me. Yuri…and you…are arrogant bastards sometimes. You think your wealth makes up for everything.”
    Alek studied her. Gisele wondered fleetingly if he thought she’d break down and spill her secrets.
    “My father loved me, which is more than I can say for the both of you,” Gisele spat, before considering what she was saying. “He left me all he had.”
    Alek narrowed his eyes. “You’re sure?” He leaned closer. “You’re positive there isn’t something you failed to disclose?”
    Gisele pushed back her chair and stood. “You are so frustrating. I have no idea what you’re driving at, but you make me angry.”
    Her ire seemed to please Alek, and she realized that he was goading her, in the hope that she would break down.
    “First of all,” Gisele said, “if there was anything more, then as my father’s only daughter, I would have inherited it.” She stabbed a finger at him. “And second, the damn letter spelled out what I received from the trust. I don’t know what you’re implying.”
    Alek frowned, his bushy brows exaggerating his displeasure.
    “If you think my father stashed away some fortune and kept it a secret, then you tell me about it.” It felt good to call Alek on his game. Challenging him was a way to make him believe that she wasn’t hiding anything.
    Gisele threw her hands up. “You’ve got me all upset because you are apparently concerned for my welfare. This is all about my father’s insufficient inheritance?” She shook her head. “It’s not like you…or Yuri are hurting for cash. But if you think I’ll come begging to you…I won’t. So if that’s what this is all about, then tell Yuri he can relax. He won’t have to fork over any money to support my lifestyle.”
    Alek seemed to settle down. It was obvious Gisele had no more to share with him, and she held her breath, hoping her brother

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