Noble Love (The Nobles of Sweet Rapids #1)

Free Noble Love (The Nobles of Sweet Rapids #1) by Té Russ

Book: Noble Love (The Nobles of Sweet Rapids #1) by Té Russ Read Free Book Online
Authors: Té Russ
charged. Every cell in her body felt electrified from Isaiah's desirous gaze on her. Tessa wasn't usually a take charge kind of girl. But the way Isaiah kept staring at her made her want to jump into arms. He had that strange, yet sensual effect on her.
    Slow down girl, she told herself. Clearing her throat, she asked, "Would you like something to drink?"
    Tessa turned and made her way to the kitchen and she could feel Isaiah right behind her. She opened her fridge and the blast of air did very little to cool off her heated body.
    One of Isaiah's strong arms slid around her waist, while the other pushed her hair out of the way, giving him access to her neck. Her head instantly tilted to the side, and when she felt his mouth on her skin, her hand gripped the handle of the fridge tightly.
    "I–Isaiah," she whispered.
    "You are so beautiful," he murmured against her neck, before moving up to kiss her behind her ear. He pulled her even closer to his body and she could feel his hardness pressed into her lower back.
    Feeling the way she affected his body made her own body tremble with even more need. He was merely holding her and showering her neck with sweet kisses, but she was already quickly spinning out of control.
    She'd never craved a man the way she did Isaiah Noble. It was a little frightening, but even more exhilarating.
    She released the door handle, letting it slam closed, the wine now forgotten.
    His lips were on her neck again.
    "I want you..."
    She turned in his arms and looked into his hooded eyes. He leaned down, running the tip of his nose up her jaw to her ear before he whispered his request. "Let me have you."
    Before she finished her answer, his lips were on hers, drinking her in. His tongue pressed against the seam of her mouth and she readily let him in. A small gasp fell from her lips when she felt her body being lifted into the air. Isaiah wrapped her legs high around his waist before he turned.
    She managed to somehow get the directions out as he kept devouring her mouth. As he carried her to the bedroom, his hand reached for the zipper on the back of her outfit. By the time they reached her bedroom, he'd tugged it down and the top had fallen slightly, while she'd shoved off his suit jacket and undid several buttons on his dress shirt.
    He gently sat her on the bed, and he eased his body over hers, causing her to lean backward. His hand slid down her leg and his touch was so hot, she thought her clothes would go up in flames. He reached down, pulling one heel off at a time, before he reached up and finished taking off her outfit. She lifted her hips, helping him pull the jumpsuit down.
    When she was down to nothing but her white lace bra and thong, Isaiah stood and looked down at her, his eyes roaming her body.
    His tongue darted out, licking his lips, and his eyes stayed locked with hers as he took off his shirt. When his hands went for his pants to undo them, Tessa's eyes went there too. His erection sprang out when he shed the rest of his clothes.
    Isaiah leaned down and pressed his lips to Tessa's knee and her body jerked at the sensation. He continued kissing his way up her body until he was on top of her. Her body lifted up slightly as he reached behind her to unhook her bra, before removing it and tossing it away from them. As his mouth found hers again, she felt his hand slide into her thong.
    When his finger dipped inside of her, discovering how wet she was for him, he groaned against her mouth. He added another finger and moved them in and out, causing a warmth to build in her belly.
    He pulled away, and she whimpered, already missing his touch.
    "Isaiah," she moaned.
    "I know, sweetheart," he breathed. She realized he'd grabbed a condom and was covering himself. Once he was done, he went for her underwear, yanking them down. She could sense that he was trying to take his time with her and be gentle. But there were moments when he just couldn't seem to

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