
Free Kindred by Adrianne Lemke

Book: Kindred by Adrianne Lemke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrianne Lemke
Tags: BluA
experience with the Tracker earlier in the evening had been a fun moment for me, so his death was quick. No fun with the knife, just a quick slice across the throat, and he was gone. The security cameras were easier to avoid than anticipated. They would only have pictures of an unidentified male wearing a hat that blocked any usable facial features. The police would be able to guess at height and weight, but beyond that they were out of luck.
    My plan was to leave a message for the Tracker on the security video, but a different option occurred to me as I finished in the cell. By now, Jason would think he was going crazy with the blackouts, and I didn't want to hurt him anymore than he already was. It was time to make it obvious that they had nothing to do with what he'd gone through in the past. I was testing my limits in case he ignored my warnings. I was indebted to him but would not give up my newfound independence for him. I left the police station and went back to my apartment to get some rest.
    I led the Tracker to what had been Mason's warehouse—the place where I first saw him—to get my note and next warning. He was not to help the police find me. I counted on the threat of what happened in the warehouse to make him think twice about going against me. Controlling him enough to move some of the loose dirt still dug up from last fall was just fun. I'd known that, in theory, if I could control his mind I'd be able to gain control of his power as well. It was thrilling to prove my hypothesis. He still didn't know I could do it, which only added to my elation.
    Despite owing him, I found pleasure in his confusion and fear when I gave up control. It made me feel powerful, and it was a high unrivaled by any of the many victims in my past.
    My game with the Tracker was just more fun.

    "Jason! Where have you been?" Alice exclaimed when I finally made it to the Police Station. I had eventually decided that standing alone in an abandoned warehouse was not a good idea at any time, let alone when a killer was following me.
    Especially since I was certain he'd been there with me, watching.
    Alice was still talking, "I've been trying to reach you for hours. We think Kindred was here last night, and when you didn't answer I thought…" she left her thought hanging; the worried and slightly angry look she was wearing spoke for her. “We have surveillance video of a man. He somehow managed to walk by several people without being seen, but was caught on the video in two spots. We could use your help, Jason.”
    "I've been busy," I said, handing her the envelope from the warehouse. Dan watched from his desk, apparently unwilling to interrupt as his partner yelled at me for going off-grid for the morning and early afternoon.
    "At least I know now what's causing the blackouts," I was working to keep my voice calm and professional. I didn't want to attract attention, but I wavered slightly as I spoke.
    Alice stared at the note and the picture of the man she'd arrested the previous day. Like the others his throat had been slit. Unlike them, there were no other injuries. She seemed confused as she read the note. "Why would he tell you?" she asked, her brows furrowed as she tried to figure it out.
    I shrugged and handed her the second slip of paper that had been in the envelope. "He wanted to spare me thinking I was going crazy, or so he says."
    I slammed my fist into Alice's desk angrily as I leaned forward. She started, leaning back in her chair a little. "He's controlling me, making me do who knows what, and he's not going to stop! And he thinks that telling me about it makes it okay? He warned me again, about helping you find him. This guy can make me do whatever he wants! How can I stop him?"
    Dan came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder to try to calm me. "Breathe, kid," he said calmly. I glared at him, and saw the two detectives exchange a worried look. My opinion of the older detective had improved,

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