My Lord Hercules
What’s your interest in the
girl now?”
    “ Miranda…” Harry cleared his
throat “That is, Miss Miranda says she’s missing. This Miss Birkin
is a friend of hers, and she’s quite concerned.”
    “ And that’s why your Miss
Miranda entered Gioco’s?” Giff surmised aloud.
    Harry nodded. “She thinks Wood knows
something about the girl’s disappearance.”
    “ Oh dear God.” Giff shook
his head as though the idea was ludicrous. “He’s far from an angel,
but he wouldn’t do something like…” The expression on Giff’s face
suddenly changed to one of disbelief.
    “ What is it?” Harry
    “ She was infatuated with him, if I’m
thinking of the right girl. And he wasn’t exactly indifferent to
her.” Giff shook his head again. “But this is Wood , Casemore. He couldn’t be the
cause of some girl’s disappearance.” He snorted. “It would take too
much effort, too much planning to pull off something like
    The earl did have a point. Still, it
would be best if Harry could just question Woodsworth and be done
with the man. “I really would like to speak with him.”
    “ You don’t think he’s
capable of this,” Giff said.
    No, he didn’t. Woodsworth wasn’t the
sort to make a girl disappear. But if the man knew anything, Harry
had to know what it was. He’d promised Miranda he’d get the truth,
after all. “Your wife owes me a favor, Giff.”
    The earl’s glare turned slightly
murderous at that. “For introducing her to Haworth, I know. You’re
lucky you’re still breathing. Don’t tell me you ever mean to
    Harry ignored the earl’s tone. “Do me
this favor, Giff, and her debt to me will be wiped clean. Bring
Wood with you to St. Austell House this evening. Let’s end this
business once and for all. I just need to find out what he knows,
if anything.”
    Giff’s expression softened slightly.
Then he nodded once. “Very well, but not because of that ridiculous
debt. If Wood knows something about the girl’s whereabouts, he
should tell it.”


    No lady had ever been as beautiful as
Miranda Bartlett. Harry nearly lost his breath every time he saw
her. Walking into the Bartlett’s green parlor was no different. As
soon as Hibbert announced him and Harry’s eyes landed on his exotic
beauty sitting in a high-backed chair, he couldn’t help the foolish
grin that was sure to be plastered across his face.
    “ Miranda.” His voice came
out husky to his own ears.
    “ Harry.” A blush stained her
cheeks as she met his eyes, and Harry bit back a smile.
    He wasn’t certain when she’d starting
calling him Harry, but he rather hoped she’d never stop. He’d wager
his last farthing that he affected her just the same as she
affected him. That did bode well for their future
    From the corner of the room, a
delicate cough caught Harry’s attention. He turned his head to find
another olive-skinned beauty. Not one he’d met before. “You must be
Miss Bartlett.”
    “ Alessandra.” Miranda rose
from her seat, quickly crossing the floor to Harry. “This is Lord
Harrison Casemore.” She slid her arm through Harry’s and smiled up
at him, her hazel eyes twinkling. “Harry, my sister
    “ Very nice to make your
acquaintance, Miss Bartlett,” Harry replied.
    The older Bartlett girl’s clear blue
eyes seemed to assess him carefully as she said, “I’ve heard so
much about you, my lord.”
    Had she? Harry glanced down at the
girl on his arm. “Talking about me, Miranda?”
    Before Miranda could mutter a word,
her sister said, “Puttenham mentioned you.”
    He couldn’t imagine what the Earl of
Puttenham could possibly have said about him, so Harry only smiled
and hoped for the best. “Congratulations on your recent
    “ I look forward to saying
the same thing to you, Lord Harrison.”
    “ And I look forward to
hearing it.” With that end in mind, Harry squeezed Miranda’s hand.
When she met his gaze, he was

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