The Price of Freedom

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Authors: Carol Umberger
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Edward continued. “I have also issued an open summons to any knight from any country who may wish to join our cause and so reap the fame and spoils of fortune.”
    â€œHere, here,” the others shouted in excitement.
    â€œI shall await you at Berwick, my lords. See to your duty.” Edward dismissed them, all but Carleton.
    As the others filed from the room, Lord Rodney Carleton straightened his sleeve and perused his finely tailored clothing, admiring this latest fashion from Paris. The new style suited his elegant body to perfection. In this, Rodney thought, he and the king of England had much in common. They both paid particular care to their appearance.
    Indeed their mutual delight in the pursuit of life’s pleasures was the glue that held their friendship together. His association with Edward provided prestige, privilege, and the opportunity to acquire the wealth needed to obtain life’s finer possessions.
    The young king, blond and fair of face, resembled his Plantagenet ancestors. Indeed, he favored his father physically, as Edward I had also been a towering man of great strength.
    The similarities ended there; where the father had ruled with an iron fist, even Rodney would admit that the son was weak and surrounded himself with advisors of questionable character. Himself excluded, of course. The single idea the two Edwards held in common was a hatred of the rebellious Scots. In particular, Robert the Bruce and the baseborn knight, Bryan Mackintosh.
    When they were alone, Rodney bowed and said, “Your Majesty, how good of you to see me privately.”
    â€œNonsense, Rodney. Your message intrigued us, as you knew it would. We found the news quite interesting. It seems the Scottish rebel has stolen another jewel from our crown. And from you.” He snickered. “Come, pour yourself some wine and let us sit.”
    Alerted to Edward’s bad mood by the use of the royal pronoun, Rodney nervously filled a goblet from the side table, then sat in the chair next to his king.
    Rodney waited for Edward to begin the conversation, reminding himself he didn’t care one way or the other if the Scots were subdued or not. Politics only interested him in so far as it affected his ability to accumulate wealth and power. However, he did want revenge against Bryan Mackintosh for taking what was his.
    Edward eyed him over the top of his goblet. “I expected you to convince Lady Kathryn, by force, if necessary, to yield her Scottish lands and wealth to England.”
    â€œYes, my lord.” He’d had plenty of time to dread Edward’s reaction in the six days it had taken him to return to London. So far Edward’s behavior was more reasonable than he’d hoped.
    Edward slapped the arm of his chair. “Confound it. How did Mackintosh take the castle?”
    Rodney swallowed. “Lady Kathryn yielded to Mackintosh, not to me. Her people are loyal to her and they refused to obey me.”
    â€œPerhaps the young countess has not yet had time to take note of your numerous attributes.”
    â€œPerhaps not.” Rodney refused to rise to the bait and give the king more reason to be angry with him. Kathryn’s refusal of his marriage proposal had caused quite a stir among his social set. He’d been biding his time, waiting for the aging earl to oblige him by dying. But Mackintosh had spoiled his plans.
    Given another chance, Rodney would make Kathryn pay for her most recent behavior. Her treachery might cost him the king’s favor unless he thought of some way to make amends.
    â€œWell, Rodney, what are we to do? Her Scottish estates are worth far more than those she holds here. The wealth will only be used against England’s cause if it remains in the hands of that Scottish rebel.” Edward brushed at his sleeve. “She must be punished to prove to my detractors that I can be ruthless when necessary.”
    Rodney stiffened. “Punished

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