The Belle Dames Club

Free The Belle Dames Club by Melinda Hammond

Book: The Belle Dames Club by Melinda Hammond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Hammond
tomorrow night, is that not good of him? Now, we are going to see the cascade. Come along, Barnabus … Julia, keep up, my love.’
    The party moved off and the ladies settled down to their supper. Mrs Leighton-Kettering was about to help herself to a slice of the wafer-thin ham when a figure in the crowd caught her eye.
    ‘Oh dear, Sir Howard Besthorpe. I do hope he will not approach.’
    ‘I will give him the smallest of nods, like so, and turn my shoulder to him,’ said Lady Alicia. ‘That should give him the hint.’
    ‘It has, Alicia. Clever you. He is walking on. What a figure of fun he looks, to be sure, with those long ribbons at his knee! Does he not know that the fashion is changing to buckles? Mr Leighton-K tells me the gentlemen call him Blue-bow Besthorpe in the clubs. I do hope he does not pester Julia this evening.’
    ‘Oh I would not think that at all likely when she is escorted by her husband and his family,’ said Lady Gaunt, making herself comfortable on a chair at the back of the box. A slightgesture brought Grantham to her side to pour wine into her glass.
    Only Clarissa, watching from the far side of the table, observed Dorothea slide her hand under the skirts of Grantham’s frock-coat and run her fingers up his thigh. She raised her eyes to the wrestler’s face and had to admire his composure. He gave no sign that Lady Gaunt was caressing his buttocks but continued to pour the wine. After a moment, however, he became aware of Clarissa’s gaze and looked across at her, his own eyes so full of mischievous amusement that she was obliged to look away and hide a smile behind her fan.
    As the wine flowed, the chattering increased and, when they had finished their supper, Lady Sarah declared that she wished to take a walk.
    ‘We need not go far,’ she said, ‘but I would like to see the lamps and grottos, now that it is dark.’
    Lady Wyckenham, Mrs Leighton-Kettering and Lady Alicia preferred to stay in the box, listening to the music, but Clarissa and Lady Gaunt agreed to go with Lady Sarah. Mrs Leighton-Kettering glanced at the two footmen.
    ‘Will you not take an escort?’
    Lady Gaunt gestured to her black page.
    ‘Only Samuel. The others shall stay here to protect you, and to procure more wine for our return.’ She picked up her burgundy domino and drew it around her.
    ‘Come, ladies, let us brave the terrors of the Dark Walk!’

    Clarissa was enjoying her first experience of Vauxhall. The paths were crowded with couples promenading through the gardens, many heavily disguised in dominos or elaborate costumes. A fresh breeze rustled through the trees and bushes. It set the coloured lamps swaying and the shifting shadows added to the sense of magic. At various points there were small grottoes adorned with imitation Greek statues. There were no lamps in these areas, and Clarissa guessed that they were extremely popular with trysting couples.
    ‘Let us take this path,’ said Lady Gaunt, leading the way and at a pace that had her small page running to keep up. ‘As I recall there is a particularly fine figure of Paris in one of these arbours … ah, here we are.’
    The path curved about a high hedge and Clarissa followed Lady Gaunt as she slipped through the archway and into a shadowed grotto. Lady Sarah followed them a few moments later, saying, ‘I am sorry, I did not see you turn, and had to come back. What is it you wanted us to see, Dorothea?’
    Clarissa went closer to the statue.
    ‘Is it meant to be Paris?’ she asked. ‘The light is too poor here for me to see.’
    ‘Oh I can assure you it is a very fine specimen,’ purred Lady Gaunt, running her hand over the cold stone. ‘I am reminded very much of Grantham.’
    ‘Your wrestler?’ Clarissa laughed. ‘Then one would suppose the statue to be very handsome.’
    ‘Oh yes,’ replied Lady Gaunt. ‘And so very … athletic.’
    Lady Sarah reached out to touch the statue.
    ‘Athletic perhaps, but

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