Nanny Next Door

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Book: Nanny Next Door by Michelle Celmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Celmer
Tags: Single Father
with morbid curiosity as the mayor did a quick scan of the bar, then the dance floor, knowing the exact second he spotted Sydney. His brow lifted in surprise, then instantly lowered.
    Oh, yeah, he wasn’t happy. That gave Daniel way more satisfaction than it should have.
    Daniel looked over at Sydney, but she seemed oblivious to the fact that her ex was there. And he hoped it stayed that way. She was actually having fun now. He didn’t want Harris to spoil it.
    A rookie cop—who had to be at least ten years younger than Sydney, cut in and the firefighter walked off dejectedly.
    “I get the feeling he would be pissed no matter who she was dating. He seems to get off on making her miserable.”
    “Something’s different with you,” Sammi said. “Usually by now you’ve prowled the perimeter and chosen your conquest, but tonight you haven’t left the bar.”
    She was right. Daniel had been so focused on Sydney that he hadn’t made a single connection. He hadn’t met a woman, townie or tourist he could take home tonight. It hadn’t even crossed his mind until Sammi mentioned it.
    But now wasn’t the time. He had the feeling, by the way the mayor was watching Sydney, he was waiting for the best moment to make trouble for her.
    “The way Daniel’s been watching Sydney, I’d say she’s his next conquest,” Jon said.
    “Just watching her back,” Daniel told him. “She didn’t want to come here, but I persuaded her. I told her she needed to get out.”
    “Well, she seems to be having a good time,” Sammi said.
    The song Sydney and the rookie were dancing to ended and he walked her to the bar to buy her a drink.
    “Yeah, but the mayor is up to something,” Daniel said. “I can feel it.” And he wasn’t going to leave her to fend for herself. She was still too vulnerable.
    “So you’re going to protect her?” Jon asked.
    “That’s what I do,” Daniel said with a shrug. “Protect and serve.”
    “Don’t you mean protect and service? ” Sammi said, and the men laughed.
    “Like I said, she’s just a friend.” But if she wasn’t a single mom, wasn’t his neighbor, wasn’t his friend, he would seduce her in a heartbeat. He didn’t think it would be difficult.
    “So you wouldn’t mind if I asked her out?” Jon said.
    Daniel shrugged. “Nope.”
    “Aren’t you a little young for her?” Sammi asked. “She doesn’t strike me as the cougar type.” Jon gave her playful shove.
    “So what do you think the mayor will do?” Jon asked.
    “I’m not sure.” But they didn’t have to wait long to find out. The mayor’s girlfriend excused herself to the ladies’ room, and the second she was out of sight Harris was crossing the brewery, weaving through the crowd, heading for Sydney, who stood at the bar talking with one of the deputies’ wives. Luckily Daniel was closer and reached her first.
    “Let’s dance,” he said, linking an arm through hers.
    She out let a surprised, “Oh!” as he half walked half dragged her to an open spot on the edge of the dance floor. A slower song was playing, so he tugged her close, and the way Sydney fell against him, unsteady on her spike heels, said the alcohol was going to her head. And instead of tensing the way she usually did when he touched her, she actually relaxed against him.
    “Thank you for forcing me to come with you tonight,” she said, smiling up at him. “I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun.”
    Man, she had a sexy mouth. And he was seriously considering kissing her—just to see if she would let him—when he glanced past her and realized they were about to have company.
    “Bogie at twelve o’clock,” he said, nodding in the mayor’s direction.
    Sydney turned to look, cursing under her breath. But then she gave her head a shake and said, “You know, to hell with him. I’m having too much fun to care.”
    “Sydney,” the mayor hissed, stopping beside her and Daniel. “A word.”
    “No,” Sydney said, sliding her

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