Nanny Next Door

Free Nanny Next Door by Michelle Celmer

Book: Nanny Next Door by Michelle Celmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Celmer
Tags: Single Father
really nice. And if she was ever going to get her confidence back, she had to put herself out there. He knew a dozen guys on the force who would trip over each other to dance with her. If not because she was hot as hell, then out of curiosity because she was the ex of the biggest ass in a thirty-mile radius.
    He took a seat at her kitchen table and waited, looking at his watch occasionally, hoping Sydney wasn’t one of those women who took hours to get ready. Fifteen minutes passed before she appeared in the doorway.
    “I’m ready.”
    He looked up and gave a low whistle. “Wow.”
    She’d dressed in form-fitting jeans that hugged all the right places, spike-heeled boots and a scoop-neck, sleeveless blouse made of some silky, layered fabric so transparent he could just make out the silhouette of her bra underneath. And the cleavage spilling out over the top…
    She’d put her hair up, leaving a few curls loose to frame her face and brush her neck. She’d applied only a little mascara and shiny lip gloss, but honestly, she didn’t need more than that. She looked…breathtaking.
    “Too much?” she asked, shifting nervously.
    “Perfect,” he said. She was going to have to beat men off with a stick. He got to his feet. “You ready?”
    “I’m still not sure about this.”
    “You’ll have a great time. Trust me.”
    She looked as if she might argue, then she grabbed her purse off the kitchen counter and said, “Let’s go before I change my mind.”
    They crossed the lawn to his truck, and he opened the door for her.
    “Buckle up,” he said, as he climbed in the driver’s seat.
    She fidgeted beside him, as though any second she might throw the door open, jump out and make a run for it.
    “Relax,” he told her. “You’re going to have fun.”
    He started the truck, backed out of the driveway, and headed in the direction of town. Thankfully it was only a few minutes’ drive, so she didn’t have much time to change her mind.
    As they turned onto Main Street traffic grew thicker. The sidewalks were congested with tourists and locals. Though daytime activities kept most of the visitors up at the resort, town nightlife drew them down the mountain to the main strip. And because there was an antique car show this weekend, the city was exceptionally busy.
    “I forgot to ask where we’re going,” she said
    “Moose Winooski’s.”
    She was dead silent, so he looked over at her and realized that most of the color had leached from her face. “What’s wrong?”
    “Jeff hangs out there.”
    “Sometimes. So what?”
    “You don’t think that will be…awkward?”
    Probably not for the mayor, who seemed to think he owned the town. Which was exactly why she needed to go. “If he’s there, ignore him. If he hassles you, I’ll take care of it.”
    “He’s not someone you want to piss off, Daniel.”
    “I told you before, I’m not afraid of him.”
    The brewery parking lot was already filled to capacity but they found a spot on a side street a block down. After he parked, Sydney reached for the door handle. “Don’t touch that,” he told her.
    She yanked her hand back. “Why?”
    He got out and walked around the truck and tugged her door open. “Because you deserve to be treated like a lady.”
    For the first time that night, she smiled. But as they walked down the street toward the entrance, the smile turned into a grimace.
    “Don’t be nervous,” Daniel said.
    “I’m not nervous. I’m terrified. ”
    Her steps slowed, and since he figured there was a good possibility she might turn tail and run, he grabbed her hand. As they neared the building, they could hear a cover of a Tim McGraw song blaring from within, played by the local country western band that performed every Friday and Saturday night.
    When they got to the door he pulled it open and had to practically shove her through. The bar was packed, as was the dance floor, and every table seemed to be occupied.
    “Danny!” someone

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