Chained (The Siren Series #2)
it all for you?
Would you like that? You would never have to watch your back again.
You could be free.” She then brought me closer and whispered into
my ear. “I could end you right now.”
    “ Go ahead and try it.” I
    A deep fire took root behind Naaz’s eyes and
she was about to unleash it onto me. She could have easily killed
me if I stepped out of line and I think I just said “Screw the
    Her grip tightened around my throat I fought
against her strength. I could see the torment she brought me bring
her some kind of twisted happiness. Something inside me snapped. I
was sick of being the weak timid kitten. I used all the hatred I
harbored deep down inside and screamed. Naaz lost her grip and she
was thrown across the room smashing into the kitchen wall.
    I stood my ground, no way was I just going to
stand there and let her hurt me again. Naaz picked herself up with
a smile across her dark lips. With one raise hand the large wooden
breakfast table took flight towards me. (Shit). My brain quickly
tired to find an answer to the problem that came flying towards me.
I screamed at the table, making it explode into tiny splinters.
From the table fragments that showered around the room, Naaz
quickly made her move. I didn’t have time to think and I paid for
it. The air around me felt hot and exploded. I quickly made a dive
for the floor, narrowly missing the blast by inches.
    “ What the hell is going on!?” demanded
    I stood up and looked around, the kitchen was
a disaster, many scorch marks stained the white walls and the
doorway was blown wide open, scattering debris all around us.
    “ Are you trying to kill her!?” Rhea
    “ No, I wouldn’t call it that, it’s just
we were sparing.” she replied.
    Rhea rushed towards me and made sure I wasn’t
    “ I’m fine.” I said.
    Naaz brushed herself off and walked towards
me. “You’ve got some power little Siren, be careful who you use it
on.” Naaz said as she left the kitchen.
    “ Wow Ellie, you just took on a demi-god
and survived.” Marcus said.
    I felt a rush of heat rush to my cheeks.

    After that whole kitchen fight, I tried to
keep my head down the best I could and avoid Naaz as best I could,
I didn’t want another fight. I don’t think the building could take
another beating. The group took up residence in the living room bit
I decided not to follow them. I wanted to check out the place.
    “ Ellie?” Rhea called.
    Oh crap. I turned and faced her like a child
that was about to be caught doing something naughty.
    “ What are you doing?” she
    “ I wanted to look around, I mean look
at this place it’s like something out of a child’s story book.” I
    “ Fine, but if you see Naaz, keep on
walking.” she said “and don’t touch anything.”
    I agree to her terms and went off to explore
the unknown of Naaz’s home. I climbed the dust covered stairs to
the top and carried on forward where I saw Naaz at the end of the
hall for a brief second.
    I was about to call out her name but Rhea’s
words came into my mind at the worst time. I thought about going
back down to the group, but I wanted to follow Naaz, it was like as
if she was beckoning me to follow her. My instincts screamed at me
to never go near that woman again, but something inside spurred me
on. I chased after her through the hallway, passing me by one by
one were portraits of unknown people. Within the frame, large
scratch marks had ripped right through the delicate paintings. Who
would do this? Finally continuing on, I came to a large glass door
leading to the outside.
    The door had many stained coloured pictures
into the glass. Depicted onto it was a sea of bright red with a
darkened figure at the top leading them against something else but
the glass had broken, cutting off how the story ends. I ignored it
and pushed through the stained glass doors and it lead me out into
another dead garden. Brown was the dominant colour of the

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