When You Least Expect

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Book: When You Least Expect by Lydia Rowan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lydia Rowan
Tags: contemporary interracial romance
hard ridge of his erection much the way he cupped her breast. He stilled, soaking in the feel of her palm against him and the anticipation of being inside her again. She squeezed him lightly and then began working on his belt. An excellent idea, so Matt followed suit, releasing the sweet weight of her tit, then skimming his hand down her soft sides and quickly opening her pants.
    The first touch of her pussy, wet, clit a hardened nub, sent Matt into overdrive. He toyed with the tight little nub, feeling almost feral with need as Ariel’s breaths came out heavier and her fingers stilled against him. He loved her like this, so needy and desperate that she could do nothing but hold his arms in her tight grip and let him do as he wished.
    “You’ve been thinking about this, huh? Missed me touching you like this?” he asked as he stroked a knuckle against her clit.
    She closed her thighs, trapping his hand, and arched against him but didn’t respond. He used his free hand to work her pants and panties over her round hips until they were around her knees. Now that he had room to maneuver, he pushed against her thighs with his trapped hand.
    Ariel spread eagerly, roving her hands across his biceps. “Touch me, Matt,” she whispered breathily, again arching against him.
    He scraped his knuckle against her clit again, and she cried out, “Yes. More.”
    “I asked you a question,” he said, hovering his lips against hers but keeping his hand still.
    “What?” she said, passion-confused eyes fluttering open.
    “You missed me touching you like this? You have been thinking about it, haven’t you?”
    A breath passed, and he stroked her once more. “I’m waiting.”
    She nodded.
    “I didn’t hear you,” Matt said. He didn’t know why he needed to hear her say it; her passion was proof enough, but he wanted the words.
    “Yes,” she said on a huffed-out breath. “So much I could barely sleep.”
    The words, the tight, needy voice she’d said them with, had Matt’s already hard cock turning to stone.
    He pulled against her clit and worked it between his thumb and forefinger and was rewarded with a high moan. Then he moved his fingers down her plump lips and spread them, and was rewarded further with a rush of hot moisture. Probing her opening, Matt trailed kisses along Ariel’s jaw and then sucked her earlobe into his mouth as he pushed two fingers inside her.
    Ariel was warm and very much ready for him, but he wanted to make this moment last. As he circled her clit with his thumb, he pushed his fingers deep inside her, the wet walls spreading for him easily. He curved his fingers and moved, hard but slow, and soon Ariel gripped his wrist tight, an unspoken demand for more.
    She groaned her disapproval when he removed his fingers. He turned them so that Ariel’s back was against the door, finished unbuckling his pants, and freed himself from the tight confines. The brush of cool air against his shaft was almost immediately replaced by the sensation of Ariel’s warm hands as she grasped him.
    “Ariel…” he said, half plea, half warning, when she stroked him from root to tip and then used her thumb to capture the pearls of precum that seeped from him. If he let her continue, he’d lose it right here, so he pulled her hand away and, gripping her full hips, pulled her until his cock nestled between her slick lips, her distended clit hot against him. He rocked, once, twice, both of them crying out.
    He moved again, and, as if guided, his cockhead breached her, barely, but enough he could feel the heat and wetness of her, could imagine the pleasure that being fully seated inside her would bring. She arched and clenched, and he was pulled a little deeper. One thrust and he’d be inside her, feeling her snug walls gripping him in the most intimate embrace. He squeezed her hips, prepared to fully bring them together.
    He peered down, stared at the curve of her mound, his erection pressed between her lips, saw

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