Love's Crazy Twists

Free Love's Crazy Twists by S. A. Johns

Book: Love's Crazy Twists by S. A. Johns Read Free Book Online
Authors: S. A. Johns
way too drunk to drive!”
                  “Of course I’m drunk!  Why wouldn’t I be drunk?  My fiancé was in bed with another woman…and a fat one at that!  I slept with my best friend and it was the best sex of my life but I am engaged and I shouldn’t have done it!  And you expect me not to get drunk?  I don’t think so!”  She said as she staggered away.
                  Jen was so angry that at that precise moment she didn’t care how Julie got home.  Then she knew that she had to have someone take her home.  She looked around for Shane, she knew that if Julie would listen to anyone it would be Shane.  But he was nowhere in sight.  She looked everywhere and asked everyone if they had seen him and no one had.  She even went to the parking lot to look for either Julie or Shane’s cars.  She didn’t see either and became frantic.  “I have to do something, but what?”  She said to herself.  “I know… I’ll call Matt.”  She said as she reached into her purse for her cell phone.
                  She dialed the number and waited while it began ringing.
                  “Hello?” the voice answered.
                  “Matt?  Hey this is Jen.” She said.
                  “Jen if you called to scream and yell at me for hurting Julie you don’t have to waste your breath.  I know I hurt her, I know that she is devastated, and I know that you hate me now too.  So if that is all, good bye.”   He said plainly.  He sounded like he was very depressed by the recent events that had happened between him and Julie.
                  “Matt, no that’s not why I called.  I am very mad at you though.  But that isn’t important right now.  What’s important now are Julie and her safety.” She started.
                  “Julie?  What happened to Julie? Is she OK?  Where is she?”  He became hysterical thinking that something had happened to his precious Julie.
                  “I don’t know where she is…”
                  “What do you mean?”  He interrupted.
                  “What I mean is that we went to the Stomping Ground for a few drinks and she got really drunk, I wanted to drive her home, but she got mad at me and took off.  I don’t know if she drove herself or what.”  She tried to explain.  “I didn’t know who else to call.”
                  “OK, thanks, Jen.  I will head to her house to see if she’s there, if not, I’ll wait.  Call my cell if you find out anything else.”  Matt told her.
                  “OK, I will.  Oh and if you find her please call me or have her call me, I am worried.  One more thing, she is still really pissed at you, so don’t press your luck.  Bye.”  She said and hung up.
                  Matt jumped up and grabbed his car keys and took off out the door.  He had to find Julie, he had to know that she was all right.  If something had happened to her he would blame himself for all eternity.
                  He pulled into the driveway and she wasn’t there.  He was frantic.  He tried to call Jen’s cell to see if she found out anything, but there was no answer.  “Of all the times to not answer your phone.” He said to himself.  He sat on the porch and waited for her.  The porch was off to the far side of her house, as was the front door.  He lit a cigarette and waited.  After all what else was there for him to do?  Nothing.  Then he fell asleep.
                  He was awakened by the sound of Julie’s voice.  It only took him a minute to realize that she wasn’t alone.  He thought with all optimism that Jen had found her and convinced her to ride with her.  He sat up and just as he did, he saw Julie staggering around the corner and Shane was leading her!  Matt’s anger rose to an all-new

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