A Portrait of Emily

Free A Portrait of Emily by J.P. Bowie

Book: A Portrait of Emily by J.P. Bowie Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.P. Bowie
Tags: General Fiction
to have so little in common.
    He’d asked her about it, but she hadn’t seemed to want to talk about it, so he’d let it go, thinking she might open up some more as their relationship grew stronger.
    As the maid let him in, he almost bumped into Anthony in the foyer.
    “Hi, Anthony.”
    “Hi…” The young man appeared about to breeze by, but then he paused and looked Jerry over as if seeing him for the first time. “I understand congratulations are in order.” He offered his hand to Jerry.
    Jerry shook it firmly. “Thank you.” He couldn’t quite keep the surprise out of his voice.
    “I don’t envy you getting my folks as in-laws. But I’m glad Emily has found someone to get her out of here. She needs a better life.”
    “Anthony,” Jerry said on impulse. “Why don’t you join Emily and me for dinner tonight? We’ve never really had a chance to talk or get to know one another. I think Emily would like that.”
    A flicker of regret crossed Anthony’s handsome face for a moment. “Sorry, I have plans. Maybe some other time. You two enjoy yourselves.” With that, he strode out, closing the door behind him. Jerry turned to find Charles Hastings watching him from the stairs, his face flat without expression.
    “Well… You managed to get more than two words out of him. What’s your secret?”
    “Oh hello, Mr. Hastings.” Jerry forced a smile at the man. “Actually, I think that’s the first time I’ve spoken to Anthony.”
    “The kid’s never here these days. Always gallivanting off on some pretext or other. Of course, your folks probably say the same thing about you. You always seem to be over here.”
    “Don’t worry sir. My parents are very happy about Emily and me. They think the world of her.”
    “Do they now? Well, there’s nothing special about Emily. I can assure them and you of that.”
    “I happen to think you’re wrong about that, sir.” Jerry could feel his face flush and his jaw clench with anger as he glared at the older man. “Emily is very special to me .”
    Both men turned as Emily ran down the stairs. She ignored her father and ran into Jerry’s arms.
    “Let’s go,” she whispered against his ear pulling him toward the door. Jerry could not stop himself from glaring at her father again before they left. His look was met with one of such venom that for a moment, gave him pause to think— That guy is capable of being truly evil .
    “Emily…” He held the car door open for her. “I hate to say this, but your father is a complete ass.”
    She waited until he got in beside her then leaned over and kissed him. “I heard what you said to him; about me being special, I mean.”
    “And I meant every word, my darling. You are very special to me.” He held her for a moment, then trying to cheer her mood, he teased her. “We have to get married soon. You do some very strange things to my body.”
    “Why do we have to wait until we’re married?”
    Jerry looked at her with surprise. Did she mean what he thought she meant? “Emily… I thought…”
    “I know what you thought—that I’m afraid of sex. But I don’t think I could ever be afraid of you.”
    His hand trembled as he touched her cheek. “I love you so much.”
    “I know you do. I think that’s what makes me the happiest. Knowing you love me just as I love you. Now, let’s get out of this driveway.”
    They drove down to the coast and found a small hotel that boasted all their rooms had ocean views. While Jerry went to the front desk, Emily gazed out of the lobby window at the sea below and the first pang of uncertainty about what she had suggested closed in on her like an unwelcome memory. This would be the first time she and Jerry would be fully intimate with each other. The first time she would see him naked, the first time he would touch her bare flesh, the first time he would—
    “We’re all checked in.” Jerry smiled and touched her cheek. “Are you all right?”
    “Yes.” She took the hand

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