The Forsaken - The Apocalypse Trilogy: Book Two
amaze and
terrify…” The snake’s hood spread wide and black, its body coiled
to spring. “But I come here to entertain !” On the last word,
the cobra struck at Mr. Jay’s open hand. And it was gone!
    The magician twirled his walking stick with
his fingers. The crowd exploded with applause and cheers.
    Dawn’s heart was thumping in her chest. It
always looked so real! But her inner voice wouldn’t allow her the
time to worry. Now ! Hide in the applause. GO TO WORK !
She leapt down from her perch and landed beside Mr. Jay. She
clapped her little hands as hard as she could, and barked out
“Bravo!” in Mojo’s gravelly voice. She skipped over and picked up
the collection basket, and moved quickly from person to person.
Caught up in the excitement, hands threw approving coins and
    “Thank you!” Mr. Jay bellowed over the noise.
“Thank you good people of the City of Light!” Dawn was just
starting back toward him when his eyes went wide. He rapidly
scanned the faces of the gathering. Dawn danced over to him. A
worried look crossed his face as he whispered, “Fifteen, now
fourteen. A face is missing. Time to go.”
    She thought the trick might have scared
someone away, but Mr. Jay’s grim glance silenced her. He raised his
hands again, smiling. “Thank you. Thank you! But we must leave now.
Look for us though. Look for us…” A worried expression clenched his
features when his eyes focused on something.
    At just over three feet tall, Dawn could not
see what Mr. Jay was looking at. He hurried to his pack and slung
it over his shoulder. Dawn was at his side in a flash.
    “What is it, Mr. Jay?” In her agitated state,
she forgot to use Mojo’s voice.
    “The man who left is bringing friends,” he
said, shouldering his pack and turning to the gathering. They were
just starting to break up, some making hand gestures like striking
snakes. Then Dawn saw through their legs that three people in dark
overcoats were crossing the street toward them.
    Mr. Jay’s lips were at her ear. “Run with me,
Dawn!” He pushed her ahead and she sprinted as fast as she could.
The magician loped easily at her side. Behind them, a man
    The St. Albert’s Hotel stood on a corner
where Oceanside Boulevard met Landsrun Street—many blocks onward,
she could see where the road swept up to fuse with the Third
Skyway. Mr. Jay pelted headlong up the sidewalk. Dawn was keeping
up to Mr. Jay on the short sprint. Ahead she could only see one
long city block. The street was crowded with cars, and the sidewalk
with pedestrians going to lunch. They struggled ahead. Luckily
their pursuers met the same resistance.
    Run ! Said the grownup voice inside her
head. Run girl run ! Her hat and little boots jingled
    “Stop!” a man shouted.
    “There!” Mr. Jay motioned to her. On the left
was a ramp that led down into a large dark underground parking
garage. Dawn did not hesitate. The air was cold and wet on the ramp
and her feet slipped on the damp asphalt, but she was nimble and
took extra care. They scrambled through the darkness with
fluorescent lights flickering overhead. Behind them echoed the
sounds of pursuit.
    Mr. Jay pointed to a red door. Dawn followed
him to it, and ran through as he shoved it aside. They scrambled up
some stairs turning round and round. The door opened below them,
heavy footfalls pounded. The entertainers ran.
    Dawn didn’t think. Her mind just chanted,
“ Run, run, run !” Heart laboring she sprinted. As the stairs
switched back on themselves, there were doors. Finally, Mr. Jay
flung one wide and she followed. They were in a hallway. Thick
carpet covered the floor.
    “Hotel!” Mr. Jay had slowed to a jog. “Give
me those.” He snatched off Dawn’s hat, and stuffed it in his pack,
then motioned for her shoes. “Quickly.” He shoved the jingling
shoes away. “That will help.” He looked up the hall. A smile burst
across his face. “Perfect!”
    Dawn followed him to a pair of

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