Killer Cocktail
schedule at least a day but also put us over budget.
    Dammit, Barry! You can’t let things like this happen! You are the director. You are the one who is supposed to be calling the shots. You need to take control of your damn actors! And if you can’t, then I’ll find someone who can !
    Are you serious? Have you completely forgotten that I never wanted Melanie Summers in the first place? You’re the one who insisted we needed her for this film. I told you she was a mess, but you overruled me. You said she was “box office magic.” Well, let me tell you something—the only magic I’ve seen her perform is making time, money, and my patience disappear!
    Don’t give me that crap! Your job as a director is to prevent the blowups! If the actors don’t respect you then they’ll do as they please! They’re like little children, for Christ’s sake! You have to treat them as such. Give them too much leeway, and they’ll walk all over you. You have to take control, and show them who’s boss! Do you think Scorsese got where he is by being a pushover? Do you think Coppola would let his actors run roughshod over him?
    Well, last I checked, both of them have had the good sense not to work with Melanie Summers! I, on the other hand, wasn’t given that same luxury! How about this, Frank? Since you’re the one who insisted she be cast as the lead, how about you go and see if you can’t calm the little prima donna down?
    Dammit, Barry! I don’t think you understand how much is riding on this movie!
    On the contrary, I know exactly how much is riding on this movie—which is why I told you that casting her was a terrible idea!
    Listen to me, you ungrateful bastard. I don’t care if you are my brother-in-law. I stuck my neck out for you and made sure you were tapped to direct this movie. Do you really think you were the studio’s first choice? They wanted Spielberg. I got you this movie. So, don’t you dare lecture me about my casting choices, because if it weren’t for me, you’d be directing the Love Bug movies.
    BARRY (taking a deep breath)
    Frank, I do appreciate what you did for me. But you have to understand—the girl is a walking time bomb. She’s moody, irrational, and unprofessional. You can’t pin this on me—this delay sits squarely at her feet. I’m not sure if she’s using again or if this is just how she is, but it’s wreacking havoc with our schedule.
    She’s not using again. I can promise you that.
    How can you be sure of that?
    I just am, okay? Listen, I’ll go talk to her and see if I can’t calm her down. Where is she?
    Last I checked she was holed up in her trailer with that poor assistant of hers. Why that woman hasn’t quit or killed her is a mystery I’ll never understand.
    I’ll see what I can do, but goddammit Barry, you have got to get control of this movie! I don’t think you comprehend what I’ve got riding on this. If this movie fails, then I fail. And I can’t fail! It’s not an option!
    You think I don’t get that? You aren’t the only one whose reputation and career are on the line here. I’ve got just as much to lose as you do.
    FRANK (scoffing)
    Don’t flatter yourself, Barry. If I go down, it’s a big event. If you go down, it’ll be like the proverbial tree falling in the forest. You won’t even hear about it.
    Frank turns and walks away. Barry stares after him and mutters something inaudible under his breath.

    Nigel and I soon made our excuses and left Christina’s table. The rest of the night was like nothing I’d ever experienced. We were with people I was used to seeing on film, not two feet in front of me. That combined with a seemingly never-ending supply of champagne gave the evening a surreal quality. We

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