Run the Risk

Free Run the Risk by Lori Foster

Book: Run the Risk by Lori Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lori Foster
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
    “New puppy. It’s destroying my place.”
    That was so far from what Logan had expected to hear, it threw
him. “You got a dog?”
    “It sort of got me. Long story.”
    So he’d taken in a stray? Logan grinned. “You’re such a big
    Reese snorted. “You want me to come there and kick your ass? Is
that it? You’re all lonely and, instead of admitting it, you’re finding a reason
to piss me off so I’ll hunt you up?”
    Logan laughed outright.
    Reese said, “Dog, no. No! Damn it.” Then with a growl to Logan,
“What’s up?”
    It took some effort to fight off another laugh, but Logan took
pity on Reese and got to the point. “I need you to do some specific searching
through our collection of photos.”
    “No.” He knew Reese wouldn’t be happy, but what the hell? Logan
had his reasons. “Pepper.”
    Reese paused. “We don’t have much on her. Some small
black-and-whites, that’s all.”
    “I know.” And if there was any way Logan could do this himself,
he would. The last thing he wanted was another man scrutinizing Pepper’s body.
But it’d be too dangerous for him to have the photos around, so he’d have to
rely on Reese. “Look at what we have, see if we have any body shots.”
    “Body shots?”
    Forging on, Logan said, “Try to get a read on her…body.”
    “Come again?”
    At least now Reese sounded more interested. “She’s hiding
something, something physical I mean.”
    “And you know this…how?”
    No way in hell would he give Reese the nitty-gritty. Pepper
Yates was a pawn in the big scheme of things, but for whatever reason, Logan
didn’t want to betray her.
    So fucking stupid.
    “Look to see if there are any shots showing her in a blouse, or
hell, even a T-shirt. Anything that’ll show…” The words dropped off. What could
he say?
    “The size of her rack?” Reese finished for him.
    Logan rubbed his face with his uninjured hand. “Yeah. But more
than that, too. Body type. Like is she shapely all over, or athletic, or maybe
extra slim—”
    “Damn it, Logan, what the hell are you doing now?”
    “Nothing.” Nothing that he’d share anyway. “I just need to know
what I’m dealing with.”
    “Because you’re dealing with her boobs?” Reese grunted. “Never
mind. Forget I asked. At least I know you haven’t had sex with her, or you’d
know the answer to that one yourself.”
    No, he wouldn’t. But again, not Reese’s business. “Can you try
to find some pics or not?”
    “Yeah. Give me till tomorrow morning.”
    Logan looked at the bruising on his hand, flexed his fingers
and winced. Being done with the topic of Pepper’s body—for now—he asked, “So did
you name the dog?”
    “Nice name.”
    “It was either that or Debt.” Reese made a sound of
frustration. “He’s been expensive. And speaking of that, I need to go. He’s
eating one of my shoes.”
    Logan heard Reese call out to the dog, then drop the phone, and
with a laugh, he ended the call. Next time he and Reese got together, he’d find
out more about the animal. But for right now, he had other, more important
issues on his mind.
    Like how he’d get Pepper Yates naked.
    No time like the present to start working on that.

    W EARING JEANS AND A T- SHIRT , Logan stepped
out of the apartment, locked the door, turned—and found Pepper standing
    By the looks of it, she’d just left her apartment, as well.
    “Sue. Hey. I was just coming over to see you.”
    How she could look so shy after last night, he didn’t know. The
woman had used him up, and they’d both loved every second of it.
    She licked her lips—which now, to his curious libido, appeared
soft and lush—and nodded at him. “Hi.” Clutching a big purse to her chest, she
turned toward the stairway to the apartment building entrance. “I was just on my
way out.”
    “Hold up.” Logan fell into step beside her. Bright sunshine
poured through the glass entry

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