The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell)

Free The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell) by Carole Pitt

Book: The Cedar Face: DI Jewell book 3 (DI Elizabeth Jewell) by Carole Pitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Pitt
Elizabeth had become so accustomed to his indecision she assumed he would hang on until the brass kicked him out. Leaving without any warning had fuelled plenty of conspiracy theories. The official explanation was worse than vague. DCS Daly had a family crisis, which only he could sort out. Since the middle of February, no one from Park Road had seen him, or if they had they'd kept quiet about it. Each time a solution occurred to her no amount of analysis resulted in a logical answer to the mystery . Out of respect for her previous boss and his wife , she'd refrained from using her usual scheming methods to locate his whereabouts. She glanced in the pan and moved it away from the heat before the breakfast burned. Last night she'd listened to Patterson's justified hostility against Yeats and the indignity of returning to a desk job . In the past, he hadn't always taken kindly to some of her wild ideas. When she'd outlined a plan, he hadn't uttered one word of protest. As he pointed out, research was one of his talents and he was clever at covering his tracks. Whatever olive branch Yeats was offering she was determined to dig into his past. Everyone had something to hide, and Yeats was no exception.
    The smell from the kitchen had obviously drifted into the sitting room and woken Patterson. She heard him sorting himself out before shuffling into the kitchen. 'That smells great . I was lying there feeling miserable about my new status . Then I smelled the fry up, the best remedy for severe depression.'
    'I don't think the bacon and eggs will cure it this time. Yeats wants to see us in half an hour.'
    'What for?'
    'My laptop's on . Check the online news.'
    Patterson punched a few keys. 'I see what you mean. Typical alarmist headlines, " SPA TOWN DEMANDS ANSWERS. KIDS TO STAY AT HOME. MURDER AT FLAGSHIP ACADEMY ", and so they go on.'
    'That'll do it.' Elizabeth said as she transferred the contents of the frying pan onto plates. 'We can always defy Yeats,' she suggested.
    ' Yeats has given Katie Gardiner a lot more responsibility. Watch her lord it over me from now on. Then Eldridge will follow suit. The two of them will make my life a misery.'
    'Okay, we'll go. I can't have those two bossing you about.'
    'I don't trust her now. She's ambitious and will hitch her wagon to anyone who can advance her career. She's not likely to put a foot wrong with Yeats.'
    'You forget I recommended her for CID. Only the other day she thanked me for my support.'
    Elizabeth looked at him carefully. Apart from his bleary eyes he appeared well. He'd lost his bulk due to the ban on playing rugby. She knew he missed the game, but after his head injury, the consultant had forbidden any sport for a year.
    ' There are hundreds of girls in Cheltenham Tony. For God' s sake, go out and find one. You had your chance and didn't take it.'
    Patterson had wolfed down half of his breakfast. 'Can I use your shower? I don't want to look like a quivering wreck in front of Yeats.'
    Elizabeth grinned. 'Let's hope he'll be the quivering wreck one day. Then he'll be glad to get back to Belfast.'
    Twenty minutes later Patterson knocked on Yeats' door but there was no answer. 'He' s deliberately keeping us waiting,' Elizabeth moaned.
    'I need another coffee and a Twix. Do you want anything?' Patterson asked.
    ' How can you manage a Twix after the breakfast I laid on?'
    'Sugar Liz, it keeps the tremors away.'
    'Okay.' Elizabeth rummaged in her bag and retrieved her purse. She handed Patterson three pound coins. 'Make that two Twix bars and I'll have a Cappuccino.
    Patterson was about to go when Yeats stormed along the corridor. He ignored them and barged into the office. They followed him in and waited for him to speak. Elizabeth studied the man's body language carefully. He appeared tense and irritable as he sat down in front of his laptop. 'I can't spare very much time. We have a major development in the Wilson murder.'
    Elizabeth experienced the familiar adrenaline rush.

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