A Servant of the Company

Free A Servant of the Company by Alan Cooke

Book: A Servant of the Company by Alan Cooke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alan Cooke
to think about what time customers come and go.’ To protect herself, she added, ‘I certainly didn’t notice him looking like a drunk until he fell over.’
    ‘O.K. love, it seems like he has been drinking for some time but behaving himself. Thanks everybody, I’ll leave you to your evening. I should be off duty myself in half an hour. I might pop back and join you.’ He grinned as a chorus of raucous groans echoed around the bar.
    Outside, Steve was still in the same position when the Policeman patted his pockets in search of some kind of identification. He found the wallet and when he checked the contents, he smiled. ‘Lovely, not my responsibility, just another bloody squaddie who has been too near the barmaid’s apron.’ He would not have to be faced with form filling back at the station, just a few lines in his notebook. A quick call to the station on his radio, they would be in touch with the M.P.s at the barracks, and chummy here would be carted off his patch. Couldn’t be better.
    He didn’t think fifteen minutes could last so long as he stood guarding his charge. Then the Military Police vehicle pulled up beside him, the occupants quickly getting out of the vehicle. One checked Steve’s breathing while his colleague spoke to the Policeman and made a few new notes. That completed, they lifted the limp body into the truck and drove off in the direction of the barracks.
    The Medical Officer was having an early night with his wife in their Married Quarters when the phone rang. His wife answered it in her usual efficient way.
    ‘Yes, he is here.’ There was a pause as the caller gave her some information. ‘Right, I will tell him and he will be there in a few minutes. You are sure it’s drugs, not the result of too much alcohol.’ Since her marriage to an Army Doctor, she had taken many calls during his off duty periods to attend soldiers with too much alcohol in their system. ‘Thank you Sergeant, I’ll let him know.’
    ‘Darling, you are wanted at the sick bay, some Corporal has been at the naughty stuff and I have told them you will be there a.s.a.p.’ She hoped he wouldn’t be long. They had both looked forward to this early night when sleeping would not be on the immediate agenda.
    ‘Who would be an Army Doc.? Sorry darling, it shouldn’t take long, but you can’t be too careful with this sort of thing.’ He eased himself out of bed, dressed quickly and gently kissed his wife before leaving. ‘Keep the bed warm, and don’t be asleep when I get back, we have some unfinished business.’ He ducked as his wife playfully threw a pillow at him.
    The drive to the sick quarters took only a few minutes and he knew that his visit was just to satisfy procedures. Sgt. Davis the duty N.C.O. would have the case neatly wrapped up he was sure and as the Medical Officer, all he would have to do was check the actions taken by the staff, add a signature and then head back to bed.
    ‘Evening Sir, sorry to call you out but this might be a bit more serious than the Saturday night hangover.’ Sergeant Davis had been in the Medical Corps for twelve years and could recognise most ailments that the sick parades delivered. This one was different, and his experience diagnosed a drug overdose, but that was for the Doc to make a final decision. ‘I’ve taken his pulse and temperature, got a blood sample but as you can see, he’s incapable of giving a urine sample. His pupils are well and truly dilated. I can only see trouble ahead for him.’ He passed a partly completed form to the Doctor and waited for his comments.
    ‘Well done Sergeant, you’ve done all that can be done so far, I don’t think a stomach pump is necessary on this occasion. Make sure that he is checked on a regular basis, the duty nurse is on station and there are only another two inpatients right now, so that should take care of it. Would you send the blood sample to the Royal for testing, I’ll do a note to be enclosed. Once you get a

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